This site is going to be filled with Coronavirus news in the coming days and weeks, my tweeting is only going to add to that. To alleviate that, I'm imposing a dog tax on myself and am starting a thread of pictures of my dog, Ralph, every day until the situation improves
When you're told to work from home until further notice....but then realize that working from home isn't so bad!
Handwashing is important, but it can dry out your hands....or mess up your fur
Some #Sunday tips for shaking off cabin fever! Try some relaxing yoga (lots of classes are streaming for free) and stretch it out like Ralph here!
Exhausted from this fast-paced news cycle? Be like Ralph! Be sure to take mental breaks from social media, grab a wubbie, find a soothing spot, and allow time for rest and self-reflection!
Today has been ruff. We're all in this together, and we won't get through this with an "I" mentality. Check in on your loved ones, take stock of where you are, do what you can to help your communities.
Feeling "blown away" by the current news cycle? Take a deep breath. Stick to a few trusted sources (might I recommend @washingtonian). Take information breaks when you need to. Reach out to reporters if there's something you're confused about.
It's easy to live off frozen pizzas right now (guilty), but try to incorporate some nutrition into your daily routine! Baby spinach in your morning eggs, some carrots and hummus for a snack, or a classic apple a day to keep the virus away!
Because I am trash and have missed this thread for two days, I give you the ultimate shoe heist
Don’t let yourself get burned out! Be sure to take little mental breaks throughout the day (might I suggest a power nap?)
People have said this photo “looks like someone’s grandma.” Call your grandparents and elderly loved ones to provide emotional support!
Ralph is busy protecting the garage so you can protect your family and friends! Keep social distancing and washing your hands!!
Be like Ralph and stay alert to potential threats (the mailman for him, Coronavirus for us)! Keep up the good handwashing and don’t touch your face!!!
I too am feeling exhausted. Put down the phone at least 2 hours before bed to get good sleep!
I failed you yesterday and did not post so here is a duo of Ralph being a lil snow dog
Smile! It’s almost the freakin weekend!
Thanks to Ralph‘s unrelenting demand for belly rubs, I have decided that I, too, will be needy af this weekend
Be sure to take little mental naps throughout the workday to stay productive!
Ralph, too, is getting antsy
You ever sit in the sun and just kind of contemplate life?
Ralph got a haircut before me smh....
A licky boiiiii
It IS a hard knock life
When you get that golden hour sunlight hitting all the right angles🥰
Me when I see people not social distancing
We literally do not deserve Ralph’s angle work
It’s been a long week. Noo nite y’all.
And that’s why I love him
Bringing this thread back now that I’m home with this king. Ralph wants to make sure you’re acknowledging your little personal victories, for example, taking time to celebrate if you poop 2x (TWICE!!) on your lunchtime walk
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