I'mma start a tweet thread that chronicles my slow decent into madness without sports:

Night one: How do we deal with the offseason every year? I'm already going crazy
Morning one: I have an amp energy drink because I am just so tired.

Also someone in my office was sent home for two weeks so this, legit, may not be a joke anymore.
Night 2: I have talked a friend into a tattoo.
Night 2 cont: I am cleaning my apartment. Because what else is there to do? I was gonna be to a Phantoms game tonight
Night 2 cont: I've been home since 5 and I'm still wearing my jeans and shoes.
Night 2 cont: I have went for a walk and its really nice out. Walked by another person in the park by my house and they scared the shit out of me because the dark has no lights
Morning 2: I can still fold a fitted sheet and my apartment is clean.

I am already running out of things to do
Night 3: I'm getting drunk
Night 3: I have watched the incredible 2 and am watching detective Pikachu now

Also am drunk
Night 3: I am watching Rise of the Guardians now. I love this film so much and hate it never got a sequel
Morning 3: I drank for 7 straight hours last night (in my apartment). I slept about 2 hours collectively.

Here I am wide awake
Night 4: I took a shower and now I am taking a nap because sleeping for 2 hours is finally hitting me.
Night 4: Oh god that nap was amazing.
Morning 4: I'm at work because our office isn't closed and I can't legally work from home until the order is given. Should hopefully get it by the end of the day today though
Night 5: I am now, officially, a work from home boi. Our offices are closed throughout the state. Time for the real decline into madness.
Morning 5: I'm thinking of buying a new desk chair. I don't think I can sit in this one for the next 2 weeks+
Night 6: I bought a new desk chair today. Dropp $100 on the fucking shit and I am v mad about it. I have also been thinking of giving my fossil lego a name.

Also my Drabbits from the Ren Faire are very good conversationalists.
Morning 6: I got into a car accident on the way into the office today (Re: I stubbed my little toe on the end of my bed)
Night 7: I'm gonna record a podcast tonight that will probably go up on youtube tomorrow or something.

We have 0 things planned for it and have no idea what we are gonna talk about. So it will either be the worst or best thing ever.
Night 7: The podcast with @squaps_ has been recorded
Morning 7: Going stir crazy now. I don't know what day it is anymore. I spent that past 3 days waking up thinking it was Friday only for my alarm to go off in the morning letting me know time lied to me and it wasn't Friday.
Morning 7: I'm gonna edit the podcast after work today and hopefully get it on youtube.

It will not be anywhere else because youtube is free and this will be a single episode (though, let's be real, I may want to do it again next week with maybe chris or maybe someone else)
Morning 7: I sneezed twice today. Which is 2 more times than I have in the past month. I'm gonna die right?

(It's probably because I'm at my desk which was covered in dust before I sat here earlier in the week)
Morning 8: I think its finally friday? Time has lied to me many times this week so I'm not sure anymore
Morning 8: I forgot I ordered running shoes because I lied to myself that I was gonna start running.

They came in today.
Morning 8: I also, apparently, ordered a new keyboard that is backlit by rainbows.
N10 (would have been N9 yesterday since I started this with N1): I'm gonna try to make today productive. I opened the book I'm not writing and am going to try to finish the v emotional scene between Devan and his little brother. I'll continue words on this in the writing thread
Morning 10: my hair is returning to it's natural state after not straightening it for almost a week. The wave is unreal
Night 11: NBCSP is playing 2010 Game 7 Flyers-Bruins and I am remembering why I fell in love with this team. Why I started watching hockey.

I fucking miss this sport so much
Morning 11: Reply all threads are the worst and there is NEVER a reason you should start them.
Morning 11: I just feel so body tired right now. This quarantine is so fucking tiring
Morning 11: As an aside I have had more conversations with people on dating apps this week than I have in like 3 years. People's standards are lowering enough to actually want to talk.
Morning 12: I fell asleep around 9 last night and slept to 8 this morning. Doing nothing in quarantine in, unexpectedly, tiring. Though I do feel a lot better now.
Morning 13: Another 10 hours of sleep. I never slept this much when I was going into the office every day. I feel so rested and good.

I assume this is happening because of the on and off raining.
Morning 14: I have decided I'm not buying anymore lego until I find a spot in my apartment to place another shelving unit. I have run out of room. The one Lego I built last night was WAY bigger than I thought.

Also I did an arms workout last night and my arms are dead.
Morning 15: I did a legs workout last night and getting up is trouble.

I slept for only 5 hours last night. I woke up at 5 am wide awake and not tired at all. Seconds after I woke up one of my Assassin's creed statues fell apart and scared the shit out of me.
Morning 16: I've done 3 days of workouts and my body feels so sore and tired. But I'm still continuing it.
Evening 17: I bought enough snacks last weekend in hopes it would last me 2-3 weeks...

I am out of snacks. Boredom eating is the worst
Evening 18: it has been 2 weeks since I've straightened my hair. It is long and floofy. Also it naturally now goes over my left eye instead of my right when not straightened
Morning 18: I have slept 4 hours and feel like complete shit. If I was in the office, this would be the type of morning I would have called out. But Because I work from home? Like there is little reason to do so.
Morning 19: Despite only sleeping 4 hours yesterday I tried to go to bed at 8 last night and I just laid there for an hour before I started to feel tired. took me like another 30 minutes to an hour to fall asleep. Though I did end up sleeping the entire night until 8 this morning
M19 Cont: I was struggling to stay awake from 6 to 8 yesterday. But of course I couldn't sleep when I actually got up and went to bed.
M19: Y'all the amount of times I've accidentally called my supervisor because the call someone button is right above the backspace and right next to the delete button is too damn high.

This is such poor keyboard design
M20: As I am working from home. I wonder how the hell we are going to go back to working in offices in a year when this is all over. How the hell can I go back to looking at boring grey walls, listening to music instead of watching.listening to videos/TV shows while working.
Evening 21 I think? Has it been 21 days since hockey left our lives? I have no idea. That's when this tweet thread started. I'm going crazy I don't know what to do with my nights anymore. Should I try to podcast about something again? Should I write? Should I read? time is dead
E21: I opened up the word document again. Also have my TBR book pile right near me as well.

I really miss watching the Flyers. I miss going to Phantoms games.
E22: The fact that none of the older pokemon game are available on the Switch shop is a huge missed opportunity
E22: The thread is less "decent into madness" and more "Random ass thoughts"
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