I'm distancing not because it will prevent me from getting covid19. I'm distancing to delay it, and delay spreading it to others should I get it.
Subtweeting people blaming that Utah Jazz player for infecting his teammates and ending the NBA season.

It would have happened anyway. Just not as soon.
Not getting it at all means isolation. Like, no contact at all and cleaning everything that comes into your space.
Maybe an epidemiologist has figured out a correlation between number of contacts and getting covid, but i ain't seen it tweeted yet. (Like, under X contacts is pretty safe because it allows for proper hygiene.)
China quarantined an entire province, telling people only one person could leave each house to get food, or some such thing.


We're not doing that. We're slowing the spread, not stopping it.
Anyway, shaming celebs who didn't properly avoid touching something misses the point.

Shame away if you want tho. I ain't stopping you from missing the point.
And yeah, him purposefully touching everything showed some callousness that's worth shaming.
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