Dear fellow men
Most of us, with honorable exceptions, have stayed shamefully silent while our mothers, sisters, daughters and female friends fight for their sex based rights.
It is tempting not to get involved as this can be portrayed as "women's stuff".
However, this fight is not about how some nebulous marginal rights. These are central, hard fought for rights that are being rolled back and undermined. These are the rights of your partner, the woman you are married to, or your daughter, or sister or loving friend.
This is not a distant battle with no repercussions for you. If women lose these rights you will know about it as it will directly impact your life & not in a positive way. Society will be unbalanced and women and children will be less safe. For info see 
So be self interested/heroic - however you want to pitch it- and stand by your women. They need our support. They may well tell you to shut up and listen. Do this as this fight is being led by them. Listen, learn and be grateful that in the UK there is such a strong sisterhood.
Be aware that the sisterhood is not united. But remember that the Suffragettes also came under sustained attack from other women who did not want them upsetting men. Be kind they will say. We have nothing to fear except those man hating women. Everything is fine don't be worried.
It is true that some feminists are truly terrifying. Some are not very friendly to men - many with good reason. You don't have to talk to them. But do listen, as they will explain more to you about life and why our current society stinks, then you can imagine.
Confession. Until a year ago I too blocked this stuff out, and as a social worker I have no excuses. It is not too late to join in now. And you never know, bonus alert, important women in your life may start looking at you with more respect.
Listen then act.
Feels good fellas😇
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