"What?" Alec hisses, and the resident bristles. "I said if I wanted your opinion, I would have asked for it." The whole unit stills, holding its collective breath. Clary holds a hand out. "Easy." Alec gets up from his spot on the nursing desk, slamming his stethoscope down. + https://twitter.com/nhixxie/status/1237783490428637185
He towers over him, and the resident gulps. If looks could kill, Victor would be in an ICU bed himself. "How many open chests have you done?" Alec asks quietly, and Raj answers, "Three-" "Seventeen." Alec cuts him off, and asks right away, "How many chest tube insertions?" +
"Five-" "Thirty. How many code blues?" Victor doesn't speak, completely red. Alec answers instead, "Over fifty. How many ECMOs? PA cath insertions? Intubations?" Alec narrows his eyes, "Family meetings? Health care directive changes? Two hour resuscitation attempts? Deaths?"
Victor couldn't even breath at this point. Alec hovers closer. "So, Doc, I will give you my opinion." he says quietly, "I need to. Because no patient of mine will be taken care of by an asshole like you."

"Not in my ICU."
Victor whips his head towards his attending doctor who's standing by the spread of snacks. He eyes the cake with interest. He demands, "Dr. Bane are you going to let him talk to me this way?!" Magnus looks up, paper plate and fork already in hand. +
"Yes." he says simply, dumping a slice of cake into his plate, "Don't piss off the nurses, that's the cardinal rule of residency, Aldertree." He speaks around a forkful of cake. "Besides," he winks at Alec, and Alec rolls his eyes, smirking, "I don't talk back to my husband."
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