This will be my what I do every day that I am adviced not to go outside and not allowed to go to school because of corona thread
Day 0 ig
I stayed up till 3 editing an old fanfic and reading homestuck
Day 1 I went to the store with my mom, not a lot missing but the milk and potatoes. Drew one of my ocs. Read fanfic.
Day 2. Made school work. Made pancakes. Watched brightburn with my parents(it was alright). Continued the fanfic.
Stanning new medicine again.
Day 3. Failed at making cosplay horns. Vibed. Made this oc character I cosplayed on tiktok, not my content. His name is Lazarus.
Day 4. Baked cake. Read some stuff. Drew Lazarus.
Day 5. Did online classes. Read homestuck. Read and wrote fanfiction. Ate too much chocolate. Felt like a 13 year old when summarizing my day. Is 17 years old.
Day 6. Went grocery shopping. Did school work. Got worried about the state of the world. Listened to mother mother while sitting on the floor and drawing digitally for the first time in months. Continued writing.
Day 7. School work. Finished the shirt for my karkat cosplay. Drew digitally again. Discovered my minecraft account had been hacked. Kept writing.
Day 8. School work. Collective decided with the whole class that we had too much work and classmate emailed someone on the behalf of all of us about it. Kept writing. Made this meme.
Day 9. School work. Felt really good about my outfit. Held my parents wedding anniversary by watching a movie and having cheese and such. Watched the darkest minds (honestly a bad movie, I would assume the books are better). Continued writing but quite shortly.
Day 10. Forgot to write day 10. Could not remember anything from day 10 but writing.
Day 11. Started trying to make new cosplay horns. Talked on discord. Played minecraft with friends. Remembered I baked cake yesterday. Missed my boyfriend. Wrote more
Day 12. Did a bit of schoolwork. Lockdown/quarantine got extented till after Easter. Went on a walk with my mom. Played minecraft. Downloaded Zepeto again. Gave up on homework. Drew my oc xander (ed warning for the pic).
Day 13. Struggled to work on school. Cosplayed and drew Lazarus (Audio will be off as they always are with tiktok). Felt off. Wrote.
Day 14. Forgot to write about my day again. Had some nice classes. Found homestuck Twitter perticularly interesting. Changed my pfp. Redrew an old drawing for a fanfic I thought I'd never finish but now am (about a year's diffrence)
Day 15. Struggled with school work. Played minecraft. Felt good about how I looked again. Considered quiting school harder than ever though its been on my mind for the last like 4 months. Wrote some. Missed my boyfriend.
Day 16. Had online classe. Emailed guidance counselor about possibly dropping out. Felt better about the idea. Made pancakes. Downloaded animal crossing. Loved animal crossing.
Day 17. Played more animal crossing. Put a good fit together again. Settling on dropping out. Drew some ocs but wasn't happy with the drawing. Forgot to try rollarskating again. Wrote some more (at chapter 12 with 26k words published now)
Day 18. More animal crossing. Froze because my radiator is broken. Drew this (tw bruises) and some Easter stuff for my grandpa. Read homestuck.
Day 19. Officially a neet but the country is still in lockdown mode. Couldn't find my rollarskates. Somethings living in our shed. Made dinner for the fam. More animal crossing. Planned out the last bit of my fanfic :)
Day 20. Psychologist confirmed my desicions were good. Hung out with parents a bit. Discovered rare americans. Finished karkat cosplay horns and started making earrings for an eventual etsy shop. More animal crossing. Had a nice videocall with friends. Worked on fanfic.
Day 21. Started stanning rare americans. Had a head empty no thoughts day. My dad showed me a game he thought I'd like. Planned for visiting my boyfriend (with the right precautions). Read fanfiction.
Day 22. At the bf @LarkElsine (following precautions). More animal crossing. Got a milkshake. Chilled. Read fanfiction. Felt happy about myself and current situation.
Day 23. Still visiting for a while. Hospital visit. Walked the dog. Read fanfics. Watched where he got to in one piece (like episode 820 or something). Discussed the best winx club character which is obviously Flora.
Day 24. Animal crossing. More one piece. Continued where we got to in jojo's bizarre adventure. Walked dog. Made dinner. Vibed.
Day 25. Realized that it will be a month soon. Animal crossing. Walked dog. Baked cake. Chilled with dog. Finished jojo part 4.
Day 26. Thought about how I'm turning 18 in 3 months. No large gatherings untill August. Quarantine extended to 10th of may. Definitely not going to con. Watched jojo. Ate cake. Walked dog with his fam.
Day 27. Went home. Crashed. Had a weird evening mentally.
Day 28. Didn't write yesterday. Felt pretty bad. Drew these. Read fanfiction
Day 29. Bad morning, better day. Animal crossing. Had a kind of Easter dinner with my parents since we can't see relatives. Made ĂŠbleskiver (Google translates it to pancake puffs) for the first time. Was better than expected at it. Worked on fanfic. Lowkey started another.
Day 20. Spend way too long time in bed. Went to the store. Ate too many snacks. Made dinner with my dad. Tweetet a lot. Updated fanfic. Rediscovered a game that lowkey gave me trauma as a child. Read homestuck.
Day 31. Parents made sausages. Animal crossing. Started rollarskating again. Planned for my routine noe that I don't go to school anymore. Chilled in the sun. Read homestuck. Drew some gore I won't show. Forgot to mention I got this beetle at the store yesterday.
Day 32. "Celebrated" the homestuck anniversary but cosplaying homestuck for the first time. Video below is my favorite from today purely for potential duets. Lost motivation quickly though :(( maybe next year. Also animal crossing. 
Day 33. Mom starts working again on Monday. Country is generally saying everything is going way better than expected and they will slowly open up so we won't have to shut down again like other places. Had a pretty shitty day, cried like 4 times. Did play animal crossing though.
Day 34. This Corona thread will end soon but I've realized I would probably benefit from having a diary. I read homestuck. Helped with dinner. Tried to draw but failed. Cried again. Got blocked on twitter for the first time :(. Played animal crossing.
Day 35. Played animal crossing. Went to the beach to eat lunch with my parents. I really like the ocean. Exchanged chocolate for makeup with a friend right before she moved. Went to the doctor. Videochat with some friends while I made this drawing.
Day 36. Confronted fears about what they world will look like after corona. Animal crossing. Visited grandma for her birthday (precaution taken). Drew these rushed frogs for her. V tired. Read fanfiction. Ate too much.
Day 39. I can't remember much of what I did since Friday. I'm in physical pain from a thing I have. I've gotten quite tired of fandoms on social media but still interact with them. I made this account @pomgranlovesyou to spread some nice things. I've also eaten pomegranate.
Day 40. Still in pain but it be like that. Ate a lot. Animal crossing. Watched a lot of older smosh videos. Decided to revisit one of my old coping mechanisms: my little pony. Watched/listened to some old favorite episodes and songs . Also drew my favorite villain Chrysalis
Day 41. I have a weird concept of time. Happy about the @pomgranlovesyou account. Animal crossing. Bought new shoes online for spring weather. Drew this punk Babs seed because of childhood headcannon reasons. Felt better physically. Videocall with friends and bf.
Day 42. Animal crossing. Went to the beach to eat icecream and collect cool rocks. Read fanfics. Watched some Netflix. Read homestuck. Drew these two magnificent women I have as ocs. I am ecstatic about how it turned out.
Day 43. Shared an icecream outside with my dad while he made a puzzle and I started writing a journal type book about a planet I've made, in hand, with ink, like a dumbass. Made dinner. Motivation crumbled. Very little animal crossing.
Day 44. Visited family friends, sat outside with some distance to make it work and were all sad about not being able to hug. Ate food and talked for some hours. Played animal crossing and wrote in my jounal. Exchausted when we got home. The sky looked off.
Day 45. Thread will end when more schools start up. Felt exchausted and overwhelmed today. God positive feedback on my fanfic. Continued said fanfic.
Day 46. The state of the rest of the world is concerning to us. Decided to cosplay a human version of. gamzee from homestuck because I had everything I needed for it. Played animal crossing. Edited for instagram.
Day 47. Spend most of the day writing and trying to be productive. Felt yucky. Updated fanfic. Appreciated ai memes.
Day 48. Animal crossing. Drew Gamzee but wasn't that happy with it. Felt unaccomplished in art. Interacted with homestuck server. Consumed homestuck content. Made tiktoks
Day 49. Went to the dentist. Discovered that a danish poet has died (Yahya Hassan). Made quesadillas for dinner and in that context peeled this avocado.
Day 50. Went to the hair dresser and discovered that none of her customers except me knew someone who had Corona. Found out that my new haircut made me look like Bruno. Watched joker with parents a movie I really love.
Did some art (in this tiktok) 
Day 51. I don't remember anything but watching South Park in the bathtub because life stressed me out
Day. 52 Tried out some makeup my friend gave me for the first time and really enjoyed it. Sat outside with parents for a bit as the weather was hot.
Drew this:
Day 53. Tweeted. Took a few hours long bath. Stressed about tommorow morning which I won't share what is for privacy reasons. Made drawing from last post digital (very new to digital art).
Day 54. It fucked me up. I cried. I had a headache for hours. I napped. I made this death note alignment chart with the information I remember even though its been years since I watched it and with input from my dad who's watched it more recently.
Day 55. Listened to the sirens that go off every year. Got some stickers from my dad. Took a really long bath. Drew this
Day 56. Built a fence with my dad. Started beastars even though I wanted to read it first. All schools are opening later this month. Restaurants n such will open too but with a lot of restrictions. Feeling like the world is coming together again. Thread will end soon
Day 57. Met up with grandparents whom we talked about the pandemic with. They really disliked shopping and we talked about how they're in the group that probably wouldn't make it if they got sick. We discussed how not being to hug was almost the hardest.
No longer updating this thread pr day. Will end when old classmates get back to school which is soon. My dad will also go back to working full time soon. Everything feels more okay.
Quarantined has been a routine change that has been really hard for my parents and I but today we made dumplings and springs rolls together and watched a movie and honestly I haven't bene this happy in a while it's nice
Happy that routine will mostly come back soon
The only thing we can seem to talk about reffering to quarantine is "happy that we can follow government instruction when it actually matters that we all do the same thing even if we don't agree with the government" though I think we're ignoring that there was sanitizer raid
So yes basically some people stormed I think it was a hospital at the start of quarantine and stole a bunch of sanitizer and I just never mentioned that
People were dissapointed
Confusion about when things start up again but press conference in a few days
Will probably end thread after that if we don't have new things to add
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