We are witnessing a fascinating case study in mass hysteria. Coronavirus is less contagious than the flu and based on South Korean data has a death rate of .6 percent for those who are infected. (99.4% of all infected regardless of age recover).
So far 4200 world wide out of a population of 7.7 billion have died. (30 people in the United States out of a population of 327 million have died). China and South Korea have effectively ended the virus in their countries & both had far more infections than the United States.
It isn’t sexy and it isn’t fear porn, but we’re all going to be fine. Fear of the coronavirus is far more of a threat than the actual coronavirus. Wash your hands, vampire sneeze and chill out.
If you are unable to do this, log off social media and stop watching TV. The media is driving ratings by scaring you to death. It’s legitimately fear porn. If every flu infection was national news you’d never leave your house. You’re going to be fine.
You can follow @ClayTravis.
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