Bless everyone who fought. Bless those who took the slander in stride, those willing to fight for someone they didn’t know, even though so many of the people they didn’t know continuously demeaned and defamed them as a matter of course, as if this was some game.
Bless you to the skies: the canvassers, the phone-bankers, the texters, the people who gave their money even when they didn’t have fucking money to give. Bravo to the pugnacious that were willing to spread the word, argue and cajole, convince and convert. It mattered.
You did something incredible. You pushed a machine--a broken, deformed, amoral machine--to the brink. You don’t owe the Democratic Party anything. Despite the conventional wisdom, pushing for healthcare for all and the survival of our planet is uh, worth fighting for.
Fighting to relegate fucking Nazis to the dustbin of history is worth fighting for. Fighting to dismantle and cripple the military industrial complex is fucking worth fighting for.
Freeing Palestine, abolishing prisons, or Jesus Christ, at the bare minimum, eradicating poisoned water in Flint and destroying the cages currently holding children on our border, this is all worth fighting for!
The Democratic Party is not worth fighting for. It never gave you anything that the people didn’t force them to give. It’s an abject failure, and should no longer be viewed as a legitimate lesser evil.
Lesser evils only have one responsibility and they've muddied the waters to such an extent that no thinking person claiming the moral high ground could say with absolute certainty, “This is the good party. This is the party that will not fuck up my life forever."
The bros don’t want you to die in a ditch. The bros want you to live with dignity. If we have disagreements, fine, that’s just fucking being alive. Life is for the living, and neither of the major parties gives a shit if you live or die. Except during elections.
Bernie fucking Sanders.
are you saying joe is gonna die
be so tight
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