#ShaneDawson12Years #12YearsOfShaneDawson
A thread to @shanedawson. There's NO chance he'll ever see this so it's okay, it's not the true reason why I made it. I put my heart into a series of quotes from the channel that changed over 8 million lives, forever. open thread.. ❤️
"so..heres the plan: um, im gonna have this site. S-D-T-V. which- is all over the background right now, so. basically it's just a video blog thing. i mean, every couple weeks (or couple days, depending on how BLOGGY im feelin') there'll be a new video."
THE 411, Early 2008.
FLAWS, November 4th, 2008.
"i woke up..and..i hit a million subscribers. you know, growing up, i um. i was never understood really, you know? because, im crazy, you know? wearing wigs, and doing stupid stuff. but, on youtube, i felt like i kinda made sense, if that makes sense. and the more people started
watching, the more i felt comfortable with myself. youtube has changed.. my life. and, its changed everything."
1,000,000 Subscribers. My Thank You Vid., December 15th, 2009.
TW// death, offensive word

"i thought about, like, even if i did die, in the hospital room.. i thought about all the tweets you guys sent and im like.. wow. even if i died tonight, i still affected so many people, with my stupid, crazy, ret4rded videos, you know? and it was a
good feeling. It was almost like... i could die tonight, and i'd be happy."
NEAR DEATH!!!!! , October 10th, 2009.
"[the surgery has] been alot of pain, its been alot of.. fustration and stuff.. it kinda gave me a new outlook on everything, you know?
it made me realize what im thankful for, what im grateful for and um.. you guys are a big part of that so. i love you guys."
December 12th, 2009. Shane had just gotten his surgery for his extra weight (i believe) and appreciated the support from the dawsonwh0res during recovery.
"I wrote this song because i know alot of you guys feel like you're a fvck up and i want you to know, you are not alone. Im a fvck up too. Were all fvck ups! So lets all embrace our fvck-up-ness, and we can take over the world! ... and then fvck it up."
"F**K UP" MUSIC VIDEO by SHANE DAWSON, March 30th, 2013.
"Over the next 10 years, i put all my energy into my passion, which is makin' videos. I hoped that one day i'd be successful enough to be able to take care of my family. Years later, when youtube came around, i started posting [videos] there. And more than just my family was
seeing my weird creations. It was anybody who wanted to. And over
time, for some reason... alot of people did." (1/2)
"My dream of being able to provide for my family was becoming a reality, and its all because of people supporting me, and watching my weird a$$ videos." (2/2)
"THE LOTTERY"- SHORT FILM, December 12th, 2016. The last video ever posted to the SDTV channel.
If you made it this far, thank you. this channel has changed my life, for both the better and the worse.
If in some weird universe Shane is reading this, thank you for giving everybody a chance. thank you for giving us your love when nobody else would. (CONTINUED)
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