#apretendthread 10 shit arguments for SELF ID #binthebill #selfid
1. Men would never abuse it. This argument is self evidently shit.
2. It will be a criminal offence to provide false information. Self ID operates on a subjective-I think I am, therefore I am- basis. It is impossible to disprove subjective thoughts so this argument is shit.
3.The 2004 GRA already allows peoples without a GRC to use same gender services so it's a formality. No it doesn't, even though everyone is abusing or ignoring it, the law does not. This argument is shit, as in a lie.
4. Transwomen are not safe in men's bathrooms. How would they know? They don't use them! This argument is untrue and irrelevant, ultimately shit.
5. Women are so much more than our biology. It is classic misogyny to try and gate-keep womanhood. This argument is shit because by gate keep womanhood they mean retain knowledge of the material reality of sexed bodies, and by classic misogyny, they mean basic feminism.
6. Non-binary people need proper protections. Why? From what? Their own egos? Non binary types can't even commit to a gender and want us to commit to law changes that accommodate their indecisiveness. Complete shit.
7. You can pee next to me. This argument is especially shit, because it thinks safe guarding laws should be built round personal opinions not evidence based research.
8. It's impossible to tell - what are you going to do, an underwear check? This argument is self evidently shit because it assumes people are stupider than people are. We didn't fill the earth, conquer and destroy it, without knowing a thing or two about where babies come from...
9. The only people against self ID are genital obsessed. This argument presupposes a working knowledge of genitalia to be both an obsession and a bad thing, and is shit.
10. Only bigots believe in 2 sexes. This is both shit & bat shit crazy. It assumes that biological reality ceases to exist, if we stop believing in it, and yet we still die. It also assumes that knowing we inhabit sexed bodies is morally reprehensible when it is morally neutral.
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