Two more.
Will be between 15-20 total cases confirmed tomorrow
I’m glad i was wrong, it’s 14 cases as of today. I predict 23 cases tomorrow
Another press briefing today at 1 pm re: case details.
Just heard on MPR that the case number is now 54.
This is SO PROMISING. only 6 new positives in MN overnight, that’s wildly different than the past week!!! People are self-quarantining and the numbers will hopefully keep staying small and manageable like this.
There will be a pretty big spike sometime next week from all of the idiots that decided to pack the bars over the weekend 🙄 some of them will start feeling sick tomorrow and the next day, get tested next week and realize how dumb they were
Honestly tho I can’t emphasize enough how relieving it is to have such a low overnight jump. Even if it’s an outlier and the trend continues doubling every few days, this one slow 24 hour period will have saved some lives
I’m very appreciative of the members of my community that have been taking the quarantine seriously. Won’t be long before there’s not an option anymore but people staying home now means less people die later
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