They're open! It's raining today so they're under a plant lamp I found while cleaning last week

Plus bonus /new/ new friends, some cosmos seeds!
We got some definite tilting towards the plant lamp yesterday, so it's back today while it's still raining

Cosmos has its first sprout though!
Moved the babies to be next to me while I work today because my desk gets more continuous sun and also they're cute

Cosmos sprout is doing well!
Later update today but!! Cosmos has sprout #2 and forget-me-nots are getting some fuzz on their leaves!
The cosmos sprouts are so tall! The second one popped up so quickly! 😲

Forget me nots are doing well and growing strong! 💪🌱
TALL. I also really love that their seed pods are still on their initial leaves, it's really charming

Also if you can see, the forget-me-nots are starting to produce second stems!!
Growth is steady, so updates are fewer, but both are starting to put out new leaves!!!

Also a new cosmos sprout approaches!
Look at all those new leaves!!! 🌱🌱🌱
Growing tall and strong, minmo! I mean, er, cosmos!

Many new sprouts are starting, and so many new leaves!

Forget-me-nots are going steady too!

And bonus red echeveria flowers, which are now blooming!
So many new sprouts on the cosmos! Now both of them have 8!

I'm amazed at how quickly the cosmos are growing their secondary/main leaves, it's so tall!

It might be time for a pot move this weekend!

All of the cosmos sprouts have fanned leaves now, I'm so excited for them
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