thread of hoshi moments that will go down in the history books (alternatively: kwon soonyoung behaving incomprehensively)
first and foremost: the Birth Chart. an absolute classic complete with an image that still triggers my fight or flight response
so maybe he likes tigers. just a little bit. and by that i mean he thinks he's a tiger and owns countless tiger print shirts and even his stage name hoshi has to do with tigers ... he is literal tigerkin and u cannot convince him otherwise
once he even went on vlive to roleplay w his tiger stuffed animals
when he got demoted from the fancafe and started chaos all because he wanted to push his tiger agenda
the only reason he's an idol is because he thought the pledis scout was scamming him at first but then they bought him ice cream so he decided to trust them. naturally
this video he posted on fancafe showing off how squeaky his pants are?? what the fuck
when he accidentally brushed his teeth with cleansing foam
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