Every once in a while I encounter a video from some shithole country that beats the last shithole country video (some of them from enclaves in the US) for most disturbing thing I've seen in life. It's hard to really rank them... The people burning "witches" alive in Zambia,
the Arab father interviewing his beaten 8 year old daughter confessing her crime of flirting with a boy, before he kills her, the Mexican gang members dismembering a man alive for kicks,
the Chinese people eating squirming animals alive or skinning live dogs publicly while laughing, the group of blacks hitting the white woman while she cowers in an elevator, crying loudly for help, to no avail.
but they are useful reminders of why strong borders are extremely important. I'll spare you the burden of the visual burned into your memory,
but today's was a cow being skinned alive, its legs cut off so it couldn't escape, with a bunch of villagers, young and old, male and female, helping, and the rest sitting around watching.
If you invite these people into my country so my culture can merge with theirs (and if you're a Democrat, you do), you are my enemy, and just might deserve the fate they will give you.
I guess I can't blame the impossibly naive bleeding heart normies who think everyone is exactly the same, and no culture or people is superior in any way to another. The mainstream media will never tell them anything remotely resembling the truth. It will tell them the opposite.
I just wish they couldn't vote. They'd never, ever live in a place with these people, but they want these people to come live with them, or rather their poor neighbors and countrymen who can't afford to escape their "benevolence."
Always remember, a bewildered teenager in a MAGA hat *smiling* as Black Israelites hurled racist insults at him and an Indian activist banged a drum in his face made the New York Times front page as the "face of white supremacy," ostensibly the *real* threat to America.
When the @nytimes is your voice, you are not "The Resistance." You are the establishment. When Disney and Pepsi, as well as the news media, ad media, entertainment media, academia, Wall Street, the art world, government bodies, etc. agree with your views...
("diversity is our greatest strength," "women and blacks are the eternal victims, of perpetrator men and whites"), you are a normie in favor of the open borders status quo.
Trump voters were the resistance against your agenda, and @realDonaldTrump their chaotic, imperfect avatar they use to rage against the machine.

I'm arriving at a peace with being called "racist" to save my country. I hope the silent sensible among you join me.
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