With the GOP & @DrJillStein's ridiculous claims of #BidensCognitiveDecline, I went back through hundreds of videos of Biden from 9-30 yrs ago to prove that Biden's stuttering issues and gaffes are nothing new. Please follow and share this thread, as I will continue to add more.
(THREAD) Here is another example of Joe Biden stuttering 18 years ago. #BidensCognitiveDecline is this election cycle's "but her emails." I literally have dozens of these videos that I will continue to share in this thread. Please RETWEET and follow.
(THREAD) Here is an example of Joe Biden 12 years ago, calling the word "JOBS" a "three letter word." No, there is no #BidensCognitiveDecline. He's just a self-proclaimed gaffe-machine. That's just @JoeBiden. More of these videos coming.
(THREAD) 12 Years ago Joe Biden called himself Jill Biden's "wife." No one mocked him for his stuttering and gaffes then. They only do it now because @JoeBiden will beat Trump like a drum in November. #BidenSurge
(THREAD) For everyone attacking Biden for his misspeak, here is a video from 12 years ago where he confuses the state he is giving his speech in. No, Biden doesn't have any declining mental state. He's just a lovable gaffe machine! - more to come! NO #BidensCognitiveDecline
(THREAD) Another example from 8 years ago of Joe Biden messing up his words. That's just Joe Biden. We love him! #JOEMENTUM
(THREAD) Joe Biden 11 years ago, struggled to find his words. It's not a mental problem, it's a problem he has struggled with his entire life. It makes him no less of a leader and no less of a good person. It certainly isn't something he just started doing. #JOEMENTUM
(THREAD) Yet another clip of Biden messing up his words from 12 years ago. This isn't anything new. Let the GOP mock Biden all they want, but this thread is evidence that Biden has always been Biden. Meanwhile Trump seems more and more lost each day! #Biden
(THREAD) This clip from 13 years ago is yet another example of Biden struggling to say certain words. NO, he's not in cognitive decline! He has had a stuttering problem his entire life. Stop mocking him for stuttering! #Biden
(THREAD) 12 Years ago @JoeBiden called @BarackObama "Barack America." No one attacked him then! Stop attacking him now! #JOEMENTUM
(THREAD) Here is yet another one of my numerous examples in this thread of Biden's stuttering issues and gaffes from years and years ago. This is Joe Biden from 12 years ago! We love you #Biden just the way you are!
(THREAD) 12 Years ago #JoeBiden mistakenly said that a woman had died. Stop acting like his misspeak and stuttering is something new. It is NOT! We love @JoeBiden just the way he is!
(THREAD) 12 Years ago, Joe Biden had trouble pronouncing the word "taxes." No this isn't because he has some mental issue. It's because he has struggled with stuttering his entire life. For it he is a role model to many children! We love you #Biden!
(THREAD) In his debate 12 years ago with Sarah Palin, Joe Biden mistakenly called John McCain "Barack Obama." No one said he had mental issues then. That's because Trump supporters didn't exist then. We love you just the way you are @JoeBiden
(THREAD) Imagine if Trump supporters existed 12 years. They would be calling Joe Biden senile as well for this gaffe. Joe Biden has always been lovable! Joe Biden has always been Joe #Biden!
(THREAD) If anything, Joe Biden has improved upon his stuttering in the 12 years since his debate with Sarah Palin. Stop buying into the GOP's attacks on this honorable, lovable, amazing father, human being and future president. #Biden
(THREAD) Here is yet another example of Joe Biden speaking 10 years ago. He takes a while to get the words out. If this happened today, Republicans would accuse him of "being lost." Stop buying into Russian talking points! Joe Biden is as amazing as ever! #JOEMENTUM
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