Q: Can we sanitise and reuse masks to expand its lifespan?

A: We cannot sanitise and reuse masks. If you want to extend its lifespan, cut a piece of gauze and line the inner part to prevent direct contact of the mask to your mouth and nose.

#knowthefacts #COVID19
Q: Would wearing multiple masks improve the effectiveness of the filtration?

A: The key to effective filtration is the fit of the mask. Wearing multiple masks will affect its fit and obstruct your breathing.

#knowthefacts #COVID19
Q: Is it possible to protect yourself with towels?

A: Towels and scarves can prevent direct contact of droplets onto your nose and mouth to a limited extent, but are not effective in protecting yourself against the new #coronavirus.

#knowthefacts #COVID19
Q: Can we use store-bought mask filters or materials for protection?

A: In short, no - the three layers each have specialised uses and cannot be purchased in stores, while filters derived from other household items would obstruct breathing.

#knowthefacts #COVID19
Q: Are DIY masks better than nothing?

A: DIY masks can help reduce the amount of microbes expelled from a cough or a sneeze, but its effectiveness is only 1/3 of a surgical mask.

#knowthefacts #COVID19
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