Everyone who thinks coronavirus is harmless or doesn’t matter should rethink that opinion immediately.

This is an extremely dangerous pathogen with wide spreading implications, including neurological impairment, brain, lung, heart & reproductive damage.

A thread on ( #COVID19):
The virus attacks ACE2 receptors in cells. ACE2 stands for Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2, and it's part of the angiotensin-renin system that regulates vasoconstriction and vasodilation.
This system is essential for your body to maintain the correct blood pressure. ACE2 receptors are found in many vital organs and reproductive tissues in the human body — Lungs, heart, kidneys, & brain.

SARS-CoV-2 infection also has severely negative effects on male fertility.
SARS-CoV-2 can potentially cause lung fibrosis and chronic lung disease if not caught and treated with antivirals at an early stage. This has serious implications for treatment of patients who get infected with a different strain; their weakened condition may increase mortality.
This could cause a significant portion of the population to have severe drops in cognitive function, intelligence, and IQ.
What disturbs me the most about this virus is that it can potentially target so many different kinds of tissues. If, for instance, it attacks ACE2 in the neurons and leads to brain death and seizures, it may lead to a cadaver that, upon examination by a coroner conducting..
...an autopsy, may reveal hardly any lung pathology whatsoever. Any autopsy of COVID-19 victims must absolutely cover several areas of the body. Not just the lungs. The heart, kidneys, liver, and the brain, as well. All must be sectioned and examined closely.
There are so many different things that could cause the collapses we have witnessed. Febrile seizures from fever, heart attacks due to myocarditis, or even fainting from hypoxia from pneumonia.
However, what I found most concerning about the collapses is the consistent presentation of the victim; the rigidity of the body and the seizures. You would think there would be postural variations. Someone having a heart attack would struggle, they would bend their knees...
These people, their limbs stretch out straight, and they begin to seize or show the fencing sign. At first, I suspected cerebral vasculitis caused by the virus attacking blood vessels in the brain, or viral encephalitis attacking the brain tissue directly.
Imagine my surprise when it was discovered that in transgenic mouse models (hACE2 mice), SARS-CoV can cause neuronal damage without apparent encephalitis. 😱
Coronavirus does not just effect the respiratory system, it embeds itself into the central nervous system & has the potential to cause significant neurological impairment, brain damage, & cancer.

This would be worst than HPV or HSV-1 (70%+ of population already infected)
As we now know, HPV is the cause behind many cancers, with roughly 90% of colon & cervical cancers being caused by the virus.

I’ve theorized this for some time, as viruses infect a cell, exude an anti-inflammatory barrier to avoid immune detection, then proliferate into cancer.

Big thank you to @b00msl4ng for help with this thread.

Read more here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CoronavirusFOS/comments/fbmdhu/sarscov2_virus_characteristics_contains_sources/
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