1. “Stop reducing people to their genitals”

(thinks people can change sex via phalloplasty or vaginoplasty)
2. “Stop debating our existence”
(fights to redefine ‘woman’ and ‘female’ so that legally & socially there is no longer any recognition of the existence of people who have the potential to produce large gametes [ie. those formerly known as women, and female])
3. “No one should dictate how other people define themselves”
(thinks everyone must identify themselves as ‘cis’ if they are not trans or non binary)
4. “Your concerns are insincere, you just hate transwomen”
(posts misogynist bile to any women asserting a boundary)
5. “There are only about 10 of you with multiple sock puppet accounts, the vast majority of people support us”
(Holds views general public would think are insane, such as ‘biological sex is a construct or a spectrum’)
6. “You’re a biological essentialist”
(Thinks the extent someone’s personality conforms with masculine or feminine traits determines what sex they are)
7. “You should never be exclusionary”
(Thinks anyone who disagrees with them should be cancelled/no platformed/excluded)
8. “You have a simplistic view of biological sex which excludes intersex people”
(Others people with intersex conditions by claiming they are neither male or female)
9. “Stop conflating gender and sex”
(Wants a ‘gender recognition certificate’ in order to change legal sex)
10. “Bigot!”
(Is completely unable to tolerate anyone having a viewpoint that deviates at all from their own)
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