Lilith: a thread
As the rebel she is, Lilith doesn’t make it easy for astrologers as she technically has three entities devoted to her; Black Moon Lilith, Dark Moon Lilith, and Asteroid Lilith.
What’s the difference? Asteroid Lilith denotes to the actual asteroid orbiting between Mars and Jupiter (commonly referred to as the asteroid belt).

Dark Moon Lilith is believed to be the Earth “second” Moon lurking somewhere in orbit.
Rather than following the process between Sun and Moon, whereas the Moon reflects light from the sun, Dark Moon Lilith absorbs the light into herself.

She is her own generator.
Black Moon Lilith is not actually a physical body but rather a geometrical point (like the nodes, ascendant and so forth). According to astrologer Kelley Hunter (who has amazing work on Lilith btw), the moon’s orbit around Earth is elliptical and therefore has two centers;
one being the Earth and the other being Black Moon Lilith. The connection between Earth-Black Moon Lilith thus insinuates that Black Moon Lilith really feeds us in a way that is invigorating and sustaining as life here on Earth.
Hunter said, if the Sun gives Earth life then this life is sustained by Black Moon Lilith. She brings us the closest to Earth and life as we know it. She is where we are most bare, free, and primal. She is us before the introduction of socialization, systems and etc
She speaks to a deep seeded part of us that has no bounds or social limits.

Speaking largely of Lilith, I know you’ve heard the myth so let me keep it short + condensed: Lilith was the first wife of Adam and she was seen as inferior because she was not as “”pure”” as Adam was.
He expected her to submit to him but she refused to do so cuz fuck men! So she left & went towards the Red Sea, where she fucks some demons & has some of their demon children. Creator of Adam and Lilith then takes one of Adam’s ribs and creates Eve who is now a creation of Adam.
The myth goes further into how Lilith then goes on a rampage and murders babies and visits the beds of men and takes their sperm to create more demon babies
Despite this being the “popular” story of Lilith, many myths circulate her which is very fascinating to do research on as Lilith is probably as old as 5,000 years. Wild stuff.
So contextualizing this in astrology and how I work with lilith is quite simple. Lilith is where we find ourselves most subversive and unwilling. Unwilling for good reason because why tf would anyone want to declare themselves inferior to anyone else?
Lilith wanted to be equal. She wanted respect. She wanted her own autonomy to be recognized. In many ways, Lilith is resistant to patriarchy and can describe where we do not settle.
Many interpretations of Lilith (speaking mostly of Black Moon Lilith) is described to be our “evil side” which tbh, is a bunch of bull. There is nothing evil about refusing to repress your own identity for the sake of someone else.
There is nothing evil about refusing to fit into expectations. Hell there is nothing evil about having demon children!

If anything, Lilith is liberation.
So, when you LOOK at ur Lilith placement (whichever the fuck it is), you can view it through a lens of where you find liberation, the acts that are most liberating to you, and how you get back at patriarchy.

Lilith is not where you find trouble, she is where you find power.
SO NOW, let’s get into Lilith through the signs.
DISCLAIMER: I am mostly going to be working with asteroid Lilith; although, I think all the three astrological entities of Lilith fall into each other nicely. To find your ASTEROID Lilith please go to  and add it manually via the asteroid list!
ARIES LILITH: Aries Lilith has a complicated relationship w/ gender expectations. They are usually forced to play into roles that are not authentic or relatable and therefore,
they take on different interpretations of femininity and gender as a whole.
They do not buy into the “traditional systems” such as the nuclear family, gender roles, marriage, etc. These are individuals who use the act of living their truth day to day as their form of resistance.
To an Aries Lilith, every part of them is intrinsic; they can’t be changed, modified, or repressed. Lilith is energetic and on fire in the sign of Aries. She also exposes a lot of the troubling relationships to men and men’s masculinity.
Aries Lilith attempts to take these attributes and “redo” it—in a way that is subversive and too disruptive to ignore.
TAURUS LILITH: Taurus Lilith usually deals with the internal conflict of enjoying the traditional parts of femininity but also being aware of how limiting and vulnerable it makes them, and recognizing the ways in which others use it against them.
So, the best way Taurus Lilith fights back is reclaiming that gaze for themselves and using it to get into the pockets of others (usually cis men). Taurus Lilith mobilizes financially. Money doesn’t come easy to A LOT OF US (if it does, I am going to assume you’re part of the 1%)
In many ways, they feel an intrinsic connection to money and all earthly matters. They feel robbed when they are not able to access it in the way others can and thus, they curtail through access in “petty and theft” ways.

A little crime aint hurt no one!
The beauty of Lilith in Taurus is that their sense of self and identity is unrelenting. Taurus is fixed. It’s not going to suddenly change up even in the eyes of rejection.
Taurus Lilith is a pillar and those with this placement can teach us a lot about the power of reassurance of what we are made of and how much we can accomplish .
GEMINI LILITH: Gemini Lilith usually deals with the power struggles of information and the right to access it. For many of these individuals, they’ve been denied learning, questioning, and posing curiosity about certain topics.
Their form of resistance comes through research, knowledge, investigation, and dialogue. Lilith in Gemini views silence as conforming with the oppressors. If we wish to seek liberation then we need to vocalize it and post about it!
Lilith in Gemini is also well versed in media and social nuances. They know how to maneuver through their surroundings to get what they need. They don’t make promises—which yes, can make them seen unreliable but they value their unavailability.
They are the trickster and they do well with fooling people, and playing the UNO REVERSE CARD!

Lilith in Gemini have to be able to embody their intellectual powers, their interests for what they really are, and relay this information to the masses.
CANCER LILITH: Cancer Lilith explores their power through vulnerability. They value a commune of other, similar people who have been rejected and to find home in this space. Individuals with Lilith in Cancer have to make amends with their pasts,
the pains they suffer, and be able to create and reclaim their own origin.

Lilith in Cancer is a healing force. They know their role as a beacon and nurturer in a way that is empowering—they are not confined to just this role but they take on other roles as well.
They are multifaceted and use emotion to understand those who have been left behind, to also empower them, and follow their path, thus creating an unstoppable lineage.
LEO LILITH: Leo Lilith has to be able to regenerate themselves before they are able to regenerate others. The power they hold is so exponential and dangerous to those who lie in opposition. Many of those who have this placement has felt rejected due to their identity.
They distance themselves from their passions, their desires, and appearance. Those with a Leo lilith may have a long, complicated relationship with mirrors and how they “look” at themselves.
The practice of constantly viewing oneself and cementing that this is who TF you are is where you tap into that energy.

Once you no longer deny your hunger you are able to conquer.
Lilith in Leo is fiercely creative and wants to sink it’s teeth in all areas of life. Liberation for them is through expression—-the will to do what one wants and desires.
VIRGO LILITH: Virgo Lilith is discerning. They are difficult to work with. They don’t agree right away. They are not easily persuaded. Lilith in Virgo uses intelligence and analysis to retrieve what they wish.
They possess knowledge and wit that once was repressed due to the fear it caused in others.

Lilith in Virgo knows how to strategize, and doesn’t play into the gaze of others—they know how to make their own rules. Lilith in Virgo are also inherently feminist—
they have their minds made up, they are competent enough on their own and know how to pull their own weight. Because of this, Virgo Lilith causes a lot of pushback in others.
Their form of resistance comes through being able to manage their own and disseminate knowledge to others. They are the needed, powerful messenger.
LIBRA LILITH: Libra Lilith is known for its charm and aesthetics. They have a conflicting relationship for seeking justice but also getting their hands dirty through seduction and vanity. Individuals with Lilith in Libra know how social relationships work;
they know what the audience wants and how to please those demands. Ultimately, though, they do so in means to get the upper hand. To put it simply, they know how the game works. They strive for relationships but relationships that are not tainted by power imbalances or equality.
They believe solidarity and understanding multiple perspectives is beneficial and NECESSARY. Although, they aren’t the ones knowing for tearing things entirely apart.
Lilith in Libra works within the seams in hopes to create something more idealistic and efficient for everyone. They use their beauty and social assets as strategy.
SCORPIO LILITH: Scorpio Lilith renames their shame in a powerful way. They’ve been rejected, inflicted, calloused, and demeaned. Individuals with a Scorpio Lilith have a difficult time identifying with others and believing in the safety of human connection.
They have trouble seeing outside the blinds of their own pain, and therefore, becomes resentful to a system, and its perpetuators. These are individuals who tend to conveniently liberate themselves by getting back at others, and playing the game equally as dirty.
However, an eye for an eye only does so much. Liberation comes from healing and reclamation. It comes from no longer feeling compressed by shame and the fear of disconnection. It comes from believing in our worth, what we stand for, our principles, values, and uniqueness.
The journey for those with Lilith in Scorpio is a tiring, and extensive one. For many Lilith in Scorpio, they are categorized by deviances and not falling perfectly into the cracks of society. These are also people who don’t make the most noticeable efforts to do so.
They refuse to pivot towards people’s expectations or what is desired of them. They bathe in the chaos that is separate and unseen by the world.
SAGITTARIUS LILITH: Sagittarius Lilith knows no limits. They do not believe in confinement or invisibility. For them, their truth needs to be painted everywhere; rarely do they choose to hide. Because of this, Lilith in Sagittarius is most daring and subversive.
They liberate through knowledge, convergence, and experience. Individuals with Lilith in Sagittarius may have a dissatisfying relationship with religion or may have been held back via values and institutions.
These are people who redefine their relationship to these things and inspire others to do the same. Lilith in Sagittarius is ultimately a wild child. They are open for the sake of needing the most enriched experience out of life.
Individuals with Lilith in Sagittarius become pillars in their community, with the most bountiful wisdom on life.

They encourage truth and the hunger for more. They don’t accept life’s offering so easily.
CAPRICORN LILITH: Capricorn Lilith is a punisher and part time executioner. They understand how f*cked up the system is due to how early they are entrenched in it. They become hypnotized by promises of greatness and success.
But, the hidden power of Capricorn is its ability to travel deeply (seagoat FTW). These are individuals who expose the rotten fruit we’ve all been fed and actively try to develop new foundations. These are individuals who are most wise, respected, and well, iconic.
They have a painful history with authority figures and grow into despising hierarchies and ranks.

BTW they always have their game plan ready.
Lilith in Capricorn may struggle in believing their full potential. They can become faded by criticism, doubt, and isolation. Their power and stamina is significant; they don’t back down easily.
Those with Capricorn Lilith can also rebuild, re-solidify, and not accept what is as is but it may take a while to see the other side.
AQUARIUS LILITH: Aquarius Lilith is full rogue. An outsider who grew up in the fringes; exiled, and non-traditional. Lilith in Aquarius has their own community & own rules which it lives by.
They don’t like the system and want to tear that shit down to sheds, sometimes going full vigilante. Other times, Lilith in Aquarius becomes disinterested with their own potential.
They can be nihilist and not give a shit about anything; however, the force of Lilith in Aquarius is its ability to unite others and community-build. They live unconventionally so no surprise that these individuals tend to not fit into society’s norms.
However, Lilith in Aquarius does strive for acceptance. It needs to be able to regenerate firmly somewhere, it needs to feel fulfilled, understood, while still posturing radically and authentically.
The fear of Lilith in Aquarius is judgement. Despite being so nomadic, these individuals still look for home. They still look for belonging.
PISCES LILITH: Pisces Lilith strives for interconnection through mysticism and spirituality. These are individuals that tend to subvert the competitive and dominance themes in our cultures. They view everyone through sameness; that we all come from our individual paths of pain
and hurt and that we can heal each other through bonding and empathy. The softness of Pisces is empowering in its own right. Individuals with Lilith in Pisces may struggle with feeling secure in their own body and discovering their boundaries.
Too much softness can be dangerous but Pisces undergoes the laborious work of defining themselves in a world that doesn’t fit their needs. They often feel “unreal” either through being objectified or discounted entirely.
Lilith in Pisces always seeks to extend rather than fall into fear or manipulation. They use bonds as a means to co-create and empower. These are people who use the arts, music, aesthetics, and spiritual thought to regenerate and find their power.
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