For a v long time, I abided by the rules of Publicly Creative People

•Draw a veil across the labor involved in producing your work
•Perform humility about promoting your work
•Regularly self-flagellate about your lack of skill
•Don't talk about money

That got me nowhere.
And I mean, really nowhere. I spent years and years and years on the doorstep of success, making next to nothing, each opened door leading to the next locked door and a renewed requirement to abide by all those rules even while working my ass off to get to the next locked door.
I'm done. I'm not sure how much I'm going to be writing under my own by-line going forward (I thought I'd left it all behind, but here we are, so ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ ) but when I do, I'm going to promote it. I'm going to talk about money. I'm going to acknowledge my skill. Period.
If you value my natterings #onhere; if you value my formal writing; if you'd just like to get me a cuppa - here are links ⬇️

Let's always acknowledge that, even if it doesn't pay the rent, our labor has value.


(And if you'd like to hire me to write for you? A by-lined examination of some topic of interest, or the comms material which has long been the bread-&-butter of my career? Yay! My email is in the Medium link in my bio, & you'll also find some p random examples of my work there.)
You can follow @emilylhauser.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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