A thread of memes for when you are angry at jelpi (or the mascots but jelpi in general)😊
I understand this meme and I mean u can beat rovix up and I wouldn't flinch but like poor gyu 😂💔
If you don't get it danjjaks are the dog who are starving for a Gx9 cb and gyu is asking us to wait 😂 (not a hate meme but it's funny so I decided to add it)
Rather than angry this is a desperate meme 😂💔
Some more material I found
New ones against gyu 😂😭
Against rovix đŸ€Ș😂 #Vixx #memes
Against that jellyfish 🙃
A new addition to the list 😊
Fu*k jelpi 😊
Danjjaks being done with this shit of a company #gugudandeservesbetter
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