you can tell tros wasn’t made with women in mind because they had the perfect opportunity to show a strong, endearing friendship between rose and rey and they cut all the scenes between them, made rey a palpatine and gave rose three lines🤷🏾‍♀️
me: wait even me who enjoys seeing female friendships showcased in films🥺
they:....maybe not for everyone
no wonder that scene between holdo and leia felt so lovely to me. not only because it’s a touching moment, BUT WE BARELY SEE WOMEN TALK TO EACH OTHER IN THIS WHOLE SAGA. subconsciously i was thinking YES FINALLY.
you can’t tell me the film was made with female fans in mind because you gave us all of these wonderful characters and what did you do? you make one of them only powerful because MAN, and the other three are shafted considerably. not to mention the tragedy of Leia’s final wishes
i love Star Wars, but this was suppose to be the PROGRESSIVE TRIOLOGY. look a female lead! look a black lead! look a latino lead! look at all the diversity and women! how much should i appreciate all of this diversity when you treat most of them like trash within the narrative?
but just to focus on the women, TROS treats all the women so badly it’s a literal joke. even the dead holdo isn’t safe- her heroic sacrifice being condensed and thrown around for a 4th wall joke. despite best intentions, the narrative doesn’t feel empowering. on any level.
and im not saying EVERYTHING IS BAD. But when 85% of the narratives surround the female character are trash, I’m not going to ignore that. especially with it being #InternationalWomenDay2020 and all.
so rant over i guess. Male writers either need to educate themselves on the heroine’s journey, actual female empowerment and female power fantasies, or stop. writing. female. characters. I’m bored. Women take the wheel for once.
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