ateez mbti results analyzing bc these fools took a 16personalities test
WARNING: i actually know what i'm talking about blah blah i said it in the old thread that i'm not like the other mbti theorists on this website
gonna leave old typing here bc even if some opinions whould change i still was close
— Hongjoong & San : INFP

my thought was ENFJ and ENFP respectively but both types are actually very similar in behavior so that happens when you type without a personal conversation as in... yeah based on behavior. so i was pretty close anyway i'm accepting these
INFP's traits are:
— sees everything from the perspective of subjective opinions (Fi). do these people like each other? does this person likes this thing?
— predicts the opinions and possibilities (Ne) to create new subjective opinions from others or achieve something
— extremely disciplined and take pride in being rational (Ti)
— despise violence, dark topics, being pressured or yelled at (Se)
— easily inspired to do a job and can continue working for a long time (Te)
— love taking care of others in physical sense of it (Si) but since they're
…NF they also comfort people emotionally
— dislike overly excitable people. great listeners because they can tone down your breakdown thoughts while being supportive (Fe)
— observant on whatever problems other people have so they can help quickly. sense time subconsciously (Ni)
overall it's a very sensitive person who always cares about the people who surround them and is ready to help anytime, also great teachers but more of a spiritual mentor than an inspirational leader
— San: i was just doubting he would be introverted but yea ok. undoubtedly he's a very sensitive person who cares about everyone around him. he's always the first to go comfort when someone is getting trolled. kinda like Fi is stronger than Ne
— Hongjoong: he's more of a Ne subtype i think because he's less sensitive though still understanding but he doesn't really seem to like all these emo talks lol. it's actually great that a leader has this type, INFP care for everyone's wellbeing and growth a lot
— Yeosang: ISFJ

whatever his type is it's TOTALLY not isfj 😭 that's all i'm gonna say. i'll just debunk i still think he's inxp
first, ISFJ traits:
— person of simple physical pleasures (Si). all females born after 1993 can't cook etc etc
— aware of reasons for every emotion anyone around them experience. boost good mood and give extra physical care to fix the vibes (Fe)
— p slow way of doing things (Ni)
— don't really like to work they'll just do bare minimum but are pretty lazy. obsessed with money (Te)
— drawn to weird freaks and mad scientists (Ne)
— have hard time processing unstructured info (Ti)
— nonconfrontational and submissive (Se)
— rather do things for others than
for themselves, usually play diplomatic roles in the squad (Fi)

shortly: imagine a housewife of a mad scientist. opinion on revolution: "idk it could've been worse i'll just accept life :/"
the ones that would be the easiest to debunk are the strongest functions aka Si, Fe, Se and Fi. and a weak spot aka Te
first of all. this is the basic everyone knows. iNtuitive types are daydreamers talking in metaphors, Sensing types are living in the moment, aware of the surroundings. i don't see any brief trace of Si in this man, not to mention anything of a sensing type at all
but Ne, opposite of Si? overflowing. he's so out of pocket it's incredible actually. like his whole sense of humor is just saying something weird and everyone's on the floor. Ne users can see perspectives no one else saw here so they seem random maybe even weird
now, Te4. like i know there are ISFJ idols so that "lazy" and "bare minimum effort" trait would be useless but. San never misses the opportunity to mention how hardworking and determined Yeosang is so from mbti perspective: inferior Te who values people who work hard
(among other things) is constantly praising someone because they affected that inferior Te. inferior function is easily affected but if it's impressed it's a pretty solid evidence of that function WORKING. because 4th function isn't working, it's ignored or inadequate
now on these allegedly subconsciously used Se+Fi: like i said, scared of confrontation and would rather submit to tyrannic authority than disagree. idk bro Yeosang is pretty straightforward on whatever he's thinking about others or on the topic he's not good at lying
ah yeah also Fe users are pretty expressive emotionally and have that very vivid way of talking idk how to explain?? but Yeosang's voice is monotonous most of the time and he's not very rich of face expressions corresponding to the topic of the conversation
in conclusion: Yeosang is NOT a Si user, not a Fe user, not a Te4, his Fi and Se are in conscious block of the function placement. vergict: not ISFJ (weighs gavel)
now when i get confirmation on extraverted types i'll continue this thread
back on this thread after watching i'm changing my mind back everyone bc everyone was saying ENFJ sounds like joong and it was my theory so back to this i think hongjoong ENFJ
anyways back to "official" ""actual"" """results"""
— Yunho: ENFJ

he's just so obviously entp to me idk where to even start. this gemini moon never processed an emotion in his life.
ENFJ traits:
— overdramatic, emotional to the extreme, but empathetic. very expressive in everything (Fe)
— thoughtful, intuitive and philosophical. has hard time making decisions (Ni)
— loves to come off as a rational and sharp-witted person. constantly tense and agitated (Te)
— fixated on self-expression with appearance, has odd tastes & habits, most likely a fear of dirt or getting sick (Si)
— needs structure to function properly. can't work in disorder (Ti)
— is protective, depending on mental state takes pressure differently—would break completely
if in bad state and mobilize like no one else if stable (Se)
— constantly seeks praise, can't feel well if people actually like them, petty, either is unloyal or extremely-swan-level loyal (Fi)
— eccentric, great mentor, can't take criticizing well (Ne)
so now starting to debunk. yunho is not a feeling type especially not a Fe dominant. Thinker going through all 5 stages of grief bc someone near them is crying [NOT CLICKBAIT]
what else.... the way yunho talks and observes things around him screams valued Si (physical comfort, aesthetic, Good Vibes) but ENFJ have valued Se (hierarchy, conquering territory, ambitions). ENFJ rather talk about the original sin
thinkers with Si values are ENTP, INTP, ESTJ and ISTJ but he's not introverted type for sure and ESTJ are too serious and rigid for him to be one. ENTP are easy-going and lives of the party but kinda say out of pocket shit sometimes. also kinda mad scientist material lol
— Seonghwa, Wooyoung, Jongho: ESFJ

first i guessed wooyoung correctly he's like textbook ESFJ lol. i honestly struggle with typing jongho he seemed like in introvert to me but they said now he's very sociable so i'll believe it. my problem lowkey is that ESFJ are very intense
emotionally and like. you will ALWAYS know when someone is ESFJ i think i'll look into his behavior and analyze thinking more and update later. i typed seonghwa as ENTJ which is a "wish i was them" type to ESFJ but it's not common to mistype these types so i'll look into it below
first, ESFJ traits:
— VERY intense emotionally like Extremely and would always express it. like screaming and clowning constantly (Fe)
— but also is a caring and attentive person, would never let you be bored and hungry at the party (Si)
— ambitious person, fidgety (Te)
— constantly in a hurry but still always late. dislikes unnecessary philosophy (Ni)
— uncomfortable with disordered situations, bad at processing unstructured info (Ti)
— loves new things, adventurous (Ne)
— openly calls out rudeness, lectures people on ethics, can't take people
talking down to them, also is friendly from the very beginning, protective of other people's pride/feelings and makes sure nobody is ignored (Fi)
— charismatic and ambitious, very persistent. unconsciously boss around people (Se)
debunking seonghwa ESFJ: his way of speaking is very Ni user. honestly Ni is very hard to explain but he reminisces a lot and his way of speaking is very flowery and deep. ESFJ are direct with emotions and less metaphoric, their focus is physical world
another very well known situation. honestly in critical circumstances all the functions are easy to see usually so basically this Seonghwa Being An Aries Stellium story from the mbti point of view is Te stronger than Si, valued Fi, also stable Se
ESFJ facing such situation in 99% would take a break for their own good, conscious of their physical condition and having health as the priority (aux Si). this one is clearly work (Te) as priority + Fi getting affected by other people's emotions. making him ENTJ but this isn't
theories thread it's debunking results thread. so yeah hwa is too neglecting of his health in extreme situations to be a Si user and is too metaphorical in speech to be a Sensor. again like i said ESFJ's Fe is very obvious in behavior he's more of a Fi values to me
— Mingi: ENTP

if in last episode yeosang was the one that possed ne off the mist in thus episode it's mingi.. mostly bc also a personal offense as an ENTP. this is pure bs
ENTP traits:
— idea bank. constantly generating ways to fight boredom and take over the world (Ne)
— ^ backing up this by physical formulas and scientific facts. basically any information goes through filter into an unique systematic thinking (Ti)
— nonaggressive in general but
gets heated up easily over interests and hates being controlled (Se)
— very friendly with everyone but can be unstable in interactions, changing distance frequently. sometimes can be insensitive/vulgar (Fi)
— horrible at describing physical traits, loves to eat, personal comfort
is the main priority (Si)
— loves parties and absorbs emotions, easily excited (Fe)
— annoying about time, complains if ur late but always late themselves (Ni)
— rational and witty, enthusiastic but starts 100 plans and finishes none of them. good leader but hates leading (Te)
thinking of how DO i better debunk with actual examples but i don't even know where to start IT'S SO WRONG..... you can tell how sensitive and praise-obsessed mingi is and it's a direct contradiction not a single ENTP would d** if you won't pay attention to them
mingi is a little emo bitch and is way more aware of physical world problems than an average ENTP would be. i think you can just read my description and tell how wrong it is
so since i'm done here's a tl;dr:
— seonghwa: obvious Ni user, too stable to be a Fe dom
— hongjoong: too outside-oriented for I type, a Ni user
— yunho: emotional range of a rock, not philosophical, can't be Fe dom Ni user
— yeosang: too absentminded to be Si, either Fi user or a thinker
— san: accepted
— mingi: too dependent on others for ENTP
— wooyoung: accepted
— jongho: no comment, but i still want to say he's a thinker
how does it work: test types you by letters, literally making you choose between this or that but not in deep lore (Fi vs Fe for example) just in general like are you thinker or feeler. our opinion on us themselves is heavily biased too. when you get a result while having
0 knowledge the generalized pretty description sounds relatable to you. tbh san literally said that when joong asked if anyone wants to argue, that he was sure in his result and then listened to others and it sounded more relatable
to get a more correct result, you need to take a test several times at different time of the day, then read all the descriptions and similar to these you've got (same dom, same aux, extroverted-introverted), ask someone who knows mbti at least hhdjsjsjsj
you can be introverted and have extraverted dom function. mbti describes how you operate with information, eysenck's theory describes how you operate in society. you can get influenced by parents and friends or mental illness. test doesn't count that
example that is kind of extreme: i'm ENTP but i'm autistic so the test always assigns me as INTJ but i'm confident in my type. i also was raised by a sensory type so i sometimes get ISTJ depending on my mood
so this thread was just for fun and bc the results pissed me off thanks for reading don't take ateez' results as an absolute truth for further discussions contact me anytime 
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