If the presidential nominees were collegiate athletic directors...
Bernie Sanders is the football coach who is retiring after 20 years at the helm, won a couple conference championships, made a handful of bowl games, wildly popular with fans of all ages who didn't want to see the old ball coach go off into the sunset.
Joe Biden is the former associate AD for external affairs at a Power 5 school who landed a big sponsorship at his old school and his new school struggles to sell tickets, basically unknown in its mid-major town.
Elizabeth Warren is the Associate AD/SWA who always serves as the interim when the AD leaves to go to a bigger school. You know she does all the work in the background, she's an alum and former athlete, but the Board of Regents don't see her as a big enough draw. SAs love her.
Trump is the guy the university hired through a search firm. He's bounced around professional sports for 15 years, never at the same place for more than 3-year stints. He name-drops, eats all the food in the press room, and fired most of the staff to bring in "his guys."
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