Art Symbolism: Suga’s Shadow Interlude [thread]

@BTS_twt #MinSugaGenius
From the concept photos, their alliance with artists for CONNECT BTS project, to their Music Videos, BTS invites us to explore the vein of art at its best. Interlude: Shadow is one example of this. Let’s explore what art symbolisms they share with us.

The hidden meaning of Colors in Art: Gray is considered to be unemotional, linked to maturity and protection. Yellow-Green is used to portray sickness, discord, and jealousy. Reds create an atmosphere of restrained opulence and power. Brown evokes a sense of nostalgia.
In the video, you can see drawings that remind Jean-Michel Basquiat artwork, primarily the crown drawing. Basquiat used the crown to symbolize himself as a king, his association with people he believed to be kings, and his ambition to become great.
The doors scene in the MV seems to be inspired by an art piece called “Svayambh” (“self-made.”) created by Anish Kapoor. Kapoor who designed the artwork himself along with help from an engineer stated that “It’s as if it’s skinning itself as it goes through the doors.”
Da Vinci called the mirror the "master of painters": "When you wish to see whether your whole picture accords with what you have portrayed from nature take a mirror and reflect the actual object in it.".Mirrors in art are usually used to experience the process of self-reflection.
Chinese artist Ai Weiwei created the “Cube Light”, a massive structure which is a chandelier affixed with thousands of crystals illuminated from within. In the artist's words, it is a physical representation of an overabundance of opulence. Suga sings on top of a similar one.
Shadowgraphy or ombromanie is the art of performing a story or show using images made by hand shadows. It can be called "cinema in silhouette". Movement helps give the shadows character and brings them to life.
Lumino Kinetic art is a subset and an art-historical term in the context of the more established kinetic art which in turn is a subset of new media art. Kinetic art is art from any medium that contains movement perceivable by the viewer or depends on motion for its effect.
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