I’ve thought long and hard about doing a thread, I’ve decided I may as well add my voice to this platform to help counter the mounds of disinformation.

I have a Bachelors degree - 4 yrs molecular and cellular biology
After degree in Environmental Public Health
I have been an Infection Control Professional for 7 years
I have to to much CME to count but all in epidemiology, pandemic planning, outbreak management, emergency management etc
What is #Coronvirus or #COVID19?

It is a viral illness caused by SARS-CoV-2.

It causes similar symptoms to the cold and Influenza

Cough, fever, runny nose, congestion etc

Can be mild or serious. Most are mild.
Use your federal and local public health authorities for information

Universities, hospitals, science journals are the best sources of information.
How does #COVID19 spread?

Contact AND droplet

What does this mean?

When someone coughs or sneezes they spray out droplets

These droplets land on surfaces within about a 6ft radius- counters, people, seats etc
When these droplets land on your portals of entry - nose, mouth, and eyes viruses gain entrance to your body ex - someone sneezes in your face!!
If you touch a surface that has viral droplets on them and then touch your nose, mouth, or eyes you’ve given the virus entrance!
When you sneeze and don’t clean your hands or blow your nose and don’t clean your hands off YOU are spreading virus 🦠

Always cover your cough with your inner elbow or tissue (don’t keep it!)
Then wash your hands or use alcohol based hand rub (ABHR)
#Masks or #NoMask?

A mask is a piece of personal protective equipment or PPE.

Most people don’t know how to wear a mask properly. So I discourage it.

The average person will touch their face MORE if they put a mask on.

Also masks are in short supply.
If you choose to wear a mask then follow these rules:

Use a surgical mask

Clean your hands before accessing the mask or you will contaminate supply

Make sure you put in over your nose and down under your chin

Never touch it after it’s on!
Mask cont

When it gets moist or soiled discard it

When taking it off use the straps never touch the front! It’s full of virus 🦠

Let it fall into the garbage

Clean your hands!!!
If you can’t follow the mask rules don’t wear one!!


N95 masks or respirators ARE NOT NEEDED

Unless you’re a healthcare professional.

Remember what I said about how this disease spreads?

That’s right! 😃 contact/droplet!
N95 masks filter out small particles like airborne virus.

This Virus is NOT AIRBORNE.
That said there are reasons why healthcare professionals need to wear them. That’s when the patient is being given an aerosolized generating medical procedure.
If your a HCW follow your hospital policy and your point of care risk assessment.

The rest of you put the mask down!
If anyone has questions don’t hesitate to ask.
If you disagree then provide rationale
Don’t make me fight you!!
Just kidding
You can follow @Gisele_ShoeSmug.
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