1 Like many other teams, we often work together in person. As we do more remote work in light of #COVID19seattle, we're going to do more and more of our work in writing.

This poses a unique opportunity and challenge for building and sustaining a culture of belonging. Thread >
2 Whether you use e-mail, Slack, other tools, or some combination, a lot of collaboration that might have previously happened in person is likely to move to writing over the next few weeks.
3 We use video-conferencing technologies like Zoom and Slack video and we do talk live. But when we’re all in different physical locations, we’re collaborating by writing more than ever.
4 Even for thoughtful communicators, all this writing-heavy remote work creates challenges for both collaboration and belonging.

But there are also some unique opportunities to get some help from the written medium.
5 Written communication lets you be more intentional about who you’re inviting to the conversation.

Just as you’d try to make sure that quieter teammates have a chance to speak up in meetings, it’s worth explicitly asking for their input in Slack or email too.
6 It can feel intimidating to weigh in on huge threads, especially if you step away from the computer for a sec + come back to find that a thread has exploded.

Make sure to explicitly solicit input from those on the periphery of the conversation so their voices are heard.
7 When the conversation is in writing, it is easy to go back and look at who has dominated the conversation, and who hasn’t commented at all. You can use that data to create more balance.
8 Used thoughtfully, the written medium can help foster a greater sense of belonging for more people than just the usual loud ones — and not just belonging, but ownership, and accountability, and all the other good stuff that comes with greater sense of belonging.
9 Of course, written communication lets you be more intentional about what you contribute yourself too.

The flip side of having more collaboration in writing is that it provides more space for people to share thoughtful opinions after thinking them through.
10 In writing, you have a chance to contribute without feeling put on the spot in the moment. This can increase the comfort level and collaboration opportunity of people who might otherwise feel on the outside of the conversation.
11 One of the downsides of doing so much collaboration in writing is that it can feel overwhelming for people who don't naturally collaborate that way. That's real.
12 But the big potential upside is that in writing, we can all slow down. We can take time to say what we want to say. We can take time to invite other people to comment and make space for more perspectives to show up.
13 I'm trying to watch out for these myself this week, especially the note about being more mindful of whose input I seek out. This is a chance to be more intentional.
14 If you have strategies to share for creating en environment of greater belonging when you can’t all be in the same room, I’d love to hear them. Especially from those of you for whom working remote is a well-developed muscle! 🌠
You can follow @KieranSnyder.
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