What if #BTS aren’t travelling in time? What if they’re trying to explain the “ #Schrödinger's cat paradox”? What if something happened AND not happened at the same time? It’s said that everything is possible until you make a choice. When you make a choice, your reality splits ⬇️
This paradox says every reality is possible until you make a choice. When you wake up in the morning and you decide going to work by bus instead of by car you’re changing your reality, you’re creating a new dimension. In other universe you’d had taken the bus. Better explained:
In the #BU🌸 they may refer to this concept when we see #Jin changing clothes. In one dimension he wears a red shirt and in the other a green one and so on. A new dimension will be created for each color he chooses or action he makes. #BTS
Let's focus on #Jin's story first. If you read #TheNotes and saw the HL, you know that the girl of the red diary (or #SmeraldoBook) is alive (he goes on a date with her wearing a black cap and decides to return the diary-she lives) and dead (as we saw in the HL).
These are different realities or dimensions. None of them exist until #Jin makes a decision. Then his reality splits into 1,2,3 - ∞.
Of course, the moment we make a decision we create a “turning point”. This is important 🔴 A turning point is “a time at which an important change takes place which affects the future of a person or thing”. 🔄
When we make a mistake we always ask ourselves "When did it all go wrong?” or "I wish I could go back in time and change this." That’s the turning point 🔄 That’s where we’re supposed to “go” to make a change.
Now that we get that, let's go a little bit further. If there are several dimensions, then there are different versions of You (of the members). All of them exist and not exist at the same time. There can't be 2 YOU living in the same dimension. There can’t be 2 Jins (or Jimins):
⏭ This has a lot to do, as you can see, with Quantum mechanics and #Physics and I’m definitely not good at that and I have few knowledge but I think it has to do with the “ #Superposition Principle” too. Physics students, share your thoughts!”

Let’s keep going!
So, how can we relate all these "time travel" ⌛️concepts with #Psychology 🎭 #Philosophy 📜 and #Mythology 🔱 we can see in their mvs? It all makes sense in my mind. I’ll try to explain it the best I can!
Let me focus on #Psychology 🧠 and on our well-known friend Carl #Jung. It’ll also explain this “time travel” thing that we can also considered it as a metaphor for what I’m about to explain to you. I’ll leave here this video. Jung was influenced by Freud.
So, Carl Jung was an analytical psychologist, a disciple of #Freud (father of #Psychoanalysis and the concepts of " #conscious" and " #inconscious") that first used the concepts of "archetype" and "synchronicity" among others ⌛️
#Jung said that, just as the organs of the body had to function properly TOGETHER to have an optimal physical health, the same thing happened in the mind with what he called " #archetypes"; for the mind to work properly all of them must work properly.
I’m not going to explain what “conscious” and “unconscious” mean ‘cause I feel we already talked a lot about this this past few months and I now want to focus on the Schrödinger’s cat paradox 🐱

(If you need me to explain it, you can ask me or send me a DM! It’s okay!)
There’s definitely NO DOUBT they’re talking about #archetypes. An archetype are all your “SELFS”. Your innocent side, your rebel side, your insecure side, your dark side...Jung talked about 12 universal archetypes including #SHADOW, #PERSONA, #ANIMA and #SELF. #BTS
🎨 I personally think that #BTS represent all these 12 #archetypes with colors like the color wheel. In their mvs we can see red, yellow, blue, purple, etc.
I personally think that #BTS represent all these 12 #archetypes with colors like the color wheel. In their mvs we can see red, yellow, blue, purple, etc. #BlackSwan
In the new VCRs we can also see the 4 archetypes we know best: #Shadow, #Ego, #Anima and #Persona and #SELF (Jin) in the middle. The self archetype represents the unified psyche as a whole: #BTS
Creating the #SELF occurs through a process known as #individuation, in which the various aspects of personality are integrated. Jung often represented the self as a circle, square, or mandala. And where can we see a mandala, in #IDOL OF COURSE 🏵 #BTS
We’ve seen in the mv and in the HL that each member has a story. Each member has different realities where they live or di/e. But we also see some members can “remember” or dream about what happened or what was supposed to happen. Why is that? 🧬
I saw a movie called “Coherence” a few days ago (that’s the reason I’m writing this long ass thread) where (SPOILER) dimensions collided. In that movie you could see your other self and go to other dimensions. That could be a good thing or a really bad thing.
In that movie they were inside a house and if they went out, they‘d travel to another dimension (as if they were crossing a portal in the darkness of a forest) and they’d go into another house (exactly the same house they left...but on the other dimension) 🔄
So, what I think is that maybe some members crossed that, let’s say, “area” without noticing it, where you could cross dimensions and that’s what #JIMIN saw in the arboretum and he saw himself. Maybe I’m wrong 🤔 #BTS
And that could be the reason why also #Taehyung can remember things that happened or things that are going to happen ‘cause he dreams about them. It’s also said that when we #dream, our soul travels or that we not dream but see ourselves in other dimensions 🧬 #BTS
So we have a lot of scenarios and dimensions where #Jin saves some members but looses other members...but is that actually time travelling? ⌛️ Are all these dimensions? 🧬 Or are all this the possibilities Jin is thinking about to make a right decision? 🕳
I not sure if all of these are the same thing, honestly. Maybe we have 2 scenarios, the #OutterWorld (member’s individual stories in Prologue, I Need U, Run, HL, The Notes...) and the #InnerWorld (like the last VCRs we saw, Singularity, Wings, DNA, BST and #BlackSwan...).
And that could explain the situation of X member and how that member is trying to face and solve the situation which could connect to the psychological vibes we get and also phylosofical and mythological ‘cause Psychology explains a lot of it’s theories trough that 🤔
‘Cause as I said in the beginning of this thread until we make a choice, something happens and not happens at the same time. It’s all up to you and your decisions. Maybe the white cat is Jin’s personal guidance or his inner self. We’ll have to wait and see to connect more dots:
That cat 🐱 could just mean that, as the paradox says, the cat is alive and dead at the same time until somebody decides to look into the box and make one of those possibilities a reality. And that could also connect the #LoveYourself concept. #BTS
We all want to make the right choices. We want to be the best version of ourselves but there’re things we can’t control. It’s human nature to think about the possibilities before making a decision. And many times this prevents us from acting because we are afraid. #BTS
It’s also said that even if you decide not to make a decision...that’s also a decision: not to act. Not opening the box and keeping the cat alive AND dead. I remember this from a movie called “Mr Nobody” 🕳 #BTS
So, MAYBE just MAYBE #BTS are trying to explain to us that...it doesn’t matter what the situation is. Life is full of variables but you must be your constant. You should trust your instinct. Believe in yourself. Grow. Which connects with the #LoveYourself concept.
Thanks for reading my thread. I hope you liked it! 💜
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