Kaylen Ward ended our “friendship” - which was only virtual - because i did “to much” like her -wore a nose ring, got into spirituality when i moved to Hawaii, & captioned my FINSTA photo the same as her- so I find it hypocritical the similarities she’s created in us since then.
This is why i’ve never fucking spoken out. All myself & others kindly asked for her dating back to Nov/December, was to tell ppl we arent the same person so I’d stop getting attacked & accused of being a fake acc. When she did her nudes for Australia thing it got even worse.
As a sex worker she was threatening to blast or expose me for I don’t even know what? + all of her stans? I had JUST began building this twitter back up & didn’t want to lose my platform. Shortly after her Instagram was up & verified mine was hacked & sold off...
I blocked her months ago, muted everything involving her & was still being @‘d & quoted by strangers saying i was her/looked like her. Her excuse at 20k followers was “i have a lot of followers i never saw”. Never saw multiple ppl tagging you???? Really???? Shut up.
Now that she has “clout” her story is. I’m mad she won’t be my friend. I flew from Hawaii to Dallas to have surgery to look like her. & meet her. & her friends.....

Yet I’ve never met her, or her friends, didn’t have surgery in Dallas, & never had facial injections until this.
I only had lip injections up until that point. I have always gone to Dallas for my injections because being well known in my area I never trusted anyone. I can’t prove that now bc my insta is conveniently gone.
I was not “from Hawaii flying to Texas to meet her” i moved to Maui Jan 2019 to clear my mind & soul. I thought Kaylen was a nice cool girl, I saw on twitter being nice, I had sold nudes for 4 years at the time & was vocal about it, & Kaylen asked me for advice, help, & s/o’s.
I asked her about crystals, and pitched t shirt ideas to her, or making content together but she said she was “well off & it was just a side hustle” “extra income would be great” she also mentioned her bf didn’t want her doing it.
So we just spoke here & there. She got me a book for Leo’s & asked for my address but never sent it? & then we drifted and then one day she texted me like this.
At this time i looked like this. I lived in Hawaii so my hair & freckles were natural. I had blocked kaylen on twitter & then next thing i know her & her friends henna’d freckles on & she crimped her hair....................
This annoyed me, i basically just ignored her for the summer. In June i started onlyfans, & then in September or something Kaylen made one. Cool, who cares. Just weird bc she wanted to be private ab her premium. But then my subscribers inform me-
She’s posting the same style of things right after me. If I posted about a black & white album she did too. They thought it was a cute “sales pitch” HA, what? ?
So I texted her about it & she screenrecorded her onlyfans (which was similar to mine in the most annoying ways) & she was like “what are you talking about” i could clearly see what I was dealing with & didn’t even bother replying.. but since then it’s gotten worse.
She’s also subscribed to my friends onlyfans within the last MONTH to poach ideas & my friend blocked her. When she said she had a lot of followers & probably missed my notifications I referred to my friend that had more followers than her but didn’t miss my notifications-
Kaylen was like “who’s that i don’t know her” all while asking THAT exact friend for advice, & marketing tips. 😂
She steals ideas, has been racist, cries her way out of EVERYTHING, cannot take criticism without calling it “being attacked”, threatens to doxx other sw’ers, & lies. So if you wanna keep defending that weird ass narcissistic manipulative behavior go ahead but stop saying I’m her
I am not her, never will be, never wanted to be, & NEVER ASKED to be compared to her. I think she thought with my accounts being gone i didn’t have proof of anything, God bless it being upgrade year & me getting to keep my old phone or i wouldn’t have anything. She’s taken it all
So please be mindful of who you associate yourself with, this is a nightmare I can’t get out of. I wake up everyday anxious She’s going to send her posse after me & I’m gonna be broke, rebuilding again, bc my account is gone.

Sugar & Salt both look the same.
And yes i am scared as fuck to tell the story even with receipts bc she’s so manipulative. I’m literally gonna exit twitter & meditate for the next 30.
You can follow @EstalineMarie.
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