Democrats, Republicans, Independent voters, etc. regardless of politician affiliation, the entire US government and politics are based on the removal, exploitation and continual violence towards Black and Brown Indigenous Peoples.
Change, radical change, does not occur in the halls of the so-called Senate or House, radical change through intentional coalition building happens outside those facilitated spaces and solidarity among those marginalized.
Any change accepted among the elite is filtered to only empower and boost the elite, or bourgeoisie, capabilities to exist and persist.
I don’t have much faith in the political climate // system // whatever to save me from an eventual demise, considering that the entire system and US was built on the genocide of people like me; individuals who directly challenged settler colonial logics of gender and sexuality
Come November (or even AZ primaries), I may choose to vote or I may choose not to, some days I feel like choosing the face of my killer, other days I don’t.

The way the entire US system is set up, I and others individual’s livelihoods are debated.
So don’t ever sham people for not voting in a system that continues to be violent and exploitive, especially towards those of us who are Black and Brown Indigenous, Queer and/or Trans folks.

This system was built to remove us. So, let us decide what we can and won’t do.
You can follow @GrandmaSaidNo.
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