AA games I still have to play and will finish on this latest motivation sprout (when it's it's turn in the chronology):

Investigations 2
The great ace attorney 1 and 2
Spirit of justice.
I'll use this thread as my Phoenix wright thoughts and pupinion so just be warned.
I finished PW:AA a few days ago, it was the third time I actually finished the game in my life, the first one being 12 years ago when I got it on a flashcard for the DS.

Holy shit? I totally never appreciated how fantastically it is written.

Like poetry it rhymes in its beats.
Every beat is consice, every word meaningful. All characters have an interesting arc, and just gives you a taste on why Edgeworth is overall one of the top most liked characters in the whole series.
Rise from the ashes, or also known as turnabout sisters 2005 is a very interesting case.

It introduces the cool mechanics that we won't see until apollo justice and also shows us a glimpse of the character designers flexing on the likeable and quirky people they can come upwith
The story is fantastic, but I feel it's a tad clumsy in its game play during the Investigations. I needed to check a walk through to progress most of the time because the game really wanted me to do something incredibly specific to continue outside of the trials.
Still, even if it's the most clumsy case game play wise, it's so so well done it it's story beats, Ema and lana I adore and miss so very dearly already.

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney

IMHO, probably one of the best in its series, and that's saying something because there's no bad1
Oh gosh I forgot. I feel the first game has the best soundtrack of all games, hands down. I've a lot of opinions about it.

First of all it just has the best persecution theme, when you think Phoenix wright, you think the theme when he's cornered the victim in the first game.
Secondly I feel it's just cheesy enough that makes it memorable as well as catchy?

The track Announce the Truth brings out a church organ that sends my drama queen senses to overcharge.

It's operatic, theatrical even.

And it encapsulates exactly the comedy and tragedy.
Imagine besting anyone and just smirking, while a cathedral organ blasts your opponent as you Rev up to send them to the shadow realm.
Justice for all was my first PW game I played, it was the one that hooked me into the series and made me want to come back to the first one.

It's been so long since I actually played it but I'm quite... Surprised.

This game probably was when the cases tarted feelingmore "human"
Will come back to this after I finish my playthough.
I've been putting off continuing this thread for a while because I felt something very interesting after I finished JfA. Something that made me need a rest from playing for a bit.

A few details may be missing from my memory but here are my opinions on Justice for all
This second game as I said before made an evolution on the story telling, the culprits were more vicious but at the same time, more human, there was human emotion behind their actions, more than bloodlust and greed.
The second and third game in particular, I feel they are some of the rawest cases in the series from their backstories alone.

When acro cried I think I shed a tear, for the second time, even when I knew how it was going to end.
And the fourth episode, when I say raw, I mean jeesh, the TWO climaxes of the case touch on some DARK topics. Adrian Andrews is one of the most interesting characters I've ever seen in a detective game, one that wasn't used as a one off joke, one that had a very complex arc.
If Ace attorney perfected the formula, JfA evolved the plot lines, not without some faults, I did need to use a walk through to progress some story bits for being a bit obscure.
Just my overall review of JfA, a fantastic game in the series but in my mind, still not as good as the package we got from the first one, but the first one is hard to Trump as I stated before, I believe is one of the best written mystery games in existance.
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