it breaks my heart to see fellow lgbt saying shit like "not all cishets are bad, bro u r a good one ily uwu"
they don't need this validation, they aint oppressed, and if they feel so attacked by a simple "if u r cis fuck u" then maybe they're not as good and respectful as u think
REAL cishet allies dont feel offended everytime they see someone go "cishet r trash" because they KNOW cishet as a group are indeed trash.
they ARE the ones who profit from lgbtphobias, wether they actively take part in these oppressions or not doesnt matter that much
as long as lgbtphobias will be a thing, cishets will be privileged and therefore, part of the problem
actual cishet allies understand that, and use their privileges to support us, to make sure we are heard, without speaking over our voices.
they aren't offended by facts.
I also need yall to understand that if your activism doesn't make the oppressors feel bad about themselves, then u r probably doing it wrong.
if the cishets say you're "a good lgbt activist, not like all these extremists" you are DEFINITELY doing it wrong
the cishets who feel offended by dumb jokes on the internet aren't poor victims who need comfort.
they KNOW what they're doing.
seeing us fighting each other over the way we treat them is exactly what they want.
while we're having discourse about wether cishets r trash or not, we're ignoring what really matters : us.
us as a community of oppressed people
our fight for our rights.
cishet ppl arent the one who will stop lgbtphobias
WE will.
and this won't happen if we keep using out time to reassure/comfort the oppressor
this won't happen if we keep ignoring what matters for the sake of a bunch of crybabies who dont care about us enough to try and understand why we're mad at them
if you're a cishet who genuinely feel offended by a meme, then maybe try to educate yourself
if u think you're "not like the other cishets" if u think you're "nice and 100% unproblematic" please educate yourself.
i also think its important to talk about the reason why i made this thread
in case some of yall didnt know,
someone made a "if ur cis fuck you" joke that kinda went viral and of course the poor "nice and unproblematic" cissies felt offended
heres a list of some things these "poor nice good unproblematic cissies who did nothing wrong" did :
• harass them
• quote their tweet and encourage their followers to partake in their harassment
• send them anonymous death threats
• send them things that triggers them
something i saw a lot in the replies to the viral tweet is "im all for trans rights but..."
the "nice" cissies' allyship is 100% conditional and we all know the condition : "never do nor say anything that could potentially mildly annoy one of us even if its an harmless joke"
and someone who will support me, my existence and my basic human rights ONLY if im always nice to them is NOT an ally.
they're not "good nice and unproblematic"
they dont deserve any validation or reassurance
they're not worthy of my consideration, my pity nor my time.
this is what i mean when i say 'their support is entierely conditional'
all it took was one (1) joke
(adding a screen in case they delete it)
another one !
another cissie decided 2 help me prove my point
everyone say thank u
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