I wish Skyrim didn't disappoint me so much.

Lorewise, mechanically, and technically.

The main conflict is just "dragon bad", the gameplay loop of "kill, loot, find boss, get boss chest, sell loot, get money, repeat" has gotten old, and it keeps eating my fucking saves.
Like, Arena's conflict is fine as "wizard bad" because it was literally 25+ years ago, Battlespire was Dagon bad, but Oblivion was MORE Dagon Bad and Skyrim is Dragon bad.

It's hard to call Dagoth Ur necessarily evil rather than mad and blinded by godhood being so close.
Omitted Daggerfall because I don't even think Daggerfall fans nor Bethesda know what the fuck happened.
Not to mention Skyrim's MQ feels like a weird runaround for half of it? Don't like what they did with the Blades; iirc "all" the fuckin dragons were gone already and the dragonslaying thing was a holdover from the Akaviri Tsaescii.

Screw Delphine.
Meanwhile Morrowind's story is just getting some experience, learning, then (possibly) accidentally fulfilling a prophecy.

The Hortator runaround does kind of suck, yeah. But most of it was atleast a memorable slog rather than a bad one.
Sidenote, dont really like the lack of a true Fighter's Guild. Being a Werewolf is, imo, too specialized and a more general plot woulda been better. Just meh.
Like how the Mages Guild quest is fine and nice.
I don't know about the Thieves because TES stealth sucks tbh. Too easy
MW's world feels so much realer, with the culture and conflicts present but not ham fisted down your throat like in Skyrim's Civil War.

The slow imperialization of Morrowind feels like a far more realistic conflict, as do the various, conflicting theologies of Vvardenfell.
The gameplay loop of "find shit in dungeon then get set amt. of stuff in a boss chest" is really old when the enchanted gear is just some RNG shit. Just give me money and let me enchant off my spells like MW.

And the only reason to have stamina >150 is carry weight. Terrible.
MW has a similar gameplay loop, yes, but it feels better to get an artefact or genuinely good gear that's always there than some dumb fucking RNG elven warhammer of frost.

Fallout 4's junk system did this loop better, imo.
I still like MW's directions over Skyrim's quest markers.

Instead of giving a shit about where you are you end up staring at the top of your screen while travelling.

Not once have I even been told directions even for flavor, to my knowledge.
Morrowind may be jank, but atleast I dont have to worry about NPCs and other shit freaking the fuck out and breaking.
It's at least consistent.

And the guards are just... immersion breaking. Like a sore thumb.
It also just... eats my saves.
At random.
I have no idea why and just accept it. I still have quicksaves, but what my PC did before level 32 is now a mystery, oooo~
I pray not for a Morrowind remake, but for the fans' megamods like Tamriel Rebuilt to finish and OpenMW/TES3MP get even better.

Lord knows Bethesda cant handle making things for their own engine.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.
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