han jisung watches documentaries about animals and conspiracy theories about aliens. he gets compared to squirrels bc of his cheeks but likes quokkas the most bc they’re the happiest animals alive. he writes songs about his feelings in minutes and he loves cheesecake and winter.
he sleeps anywhere he feels comfortable and at any time. he can play guitar and ice skate. he likes the color red. he’s an istp. he loves performing and feels most confident on stage. he drinks a lot of americanos. he loves hats and wears them a lot. he really wants a pet lizard.
he loves studio ghibli movies. he cares about the members a lot and they care about him that way too. they said he’s most likely to forget choreo or lyrics even tho he writes a lot of them. he’s extremely hardworking. han jisung is truly the bestest most talented boy i’m so sad
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