They are running scared, trying to get ahead of the story they chose to ignore.
Simply because they hate @realDonaldTrump
@BarackObama administration, US Intel and law agencies SPIED on Trump Campaign.
Not only did they spy, overseas assets were used.
Steven Halper was tasked by FBI to collect collateral information on Trump.
George J Ennis, Alan E Kohler and Stephen M. Somma.
FBI actually used spies to lure American citizens overseas to collect intelligence.
Among these Americans were
@GenFlynn @GeorgePapa19 @carterwpage and Paul Manafort.
Government informants were sent to meet with them on many occasions.
One would feed information, the others try to pull information.
@nytimes admitted in 2016 Obama administration spied
Dirty FBI agents use @nytimes to leak information.
As they did about the dirty dossier.
One thing is certain.
Obama, Democrats, FBI, US INTEL and other agencies abused their authority to punish @realDonaldTrump and anyone deemed a political enemy.
@nytimes @DNC @FBI
I ask you, was it worth destroying @GenFlynn a LTG American Hero.
33 Year's of service to his country to keep all Americans safe.
Bankrupt, held as political prisoner in his home still to this day fate unknown
Papadopoulos prison
Manafort prison
Stone prison
In the end what have you gained?
A Country divided, two tiered justice system, a freaking socialist leading in the polls because you have created so much hate against our current President.
You are journalists responsible for holding government accountable and informing us.
Yet you became as corrupt as the government. A tool pushing propaganda and misinformation daily.
Will you continue to be a tool or be a journalist?
Spying on the opposition party using weapons only made to stop terrorists acts hitting US soil.
Or will you remain a complicit accomplice?
Biggest political scandal in US history.
An attempted coup against the opposition party, which carried into his presidency.
Most likely still continuing today.
The world and American citizens are watching.
What will you choose?
@nytimes you have known the truth.
Yet you sat back as our Country has such a divide.
MSM must realize they failed, report the facts and restart.
Or America as we know it is gone!
VOTE 🔴 2 SAVE 🇺🇲
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