Just doing your run of the mill 12am Sunday deep googling of Bill Barr’s father, Donald Barr, bc it’s a Freudian treasure trove of psychopathology that never gets old to weirdos like me. 1/
It seemed noteworthy in the context of extant Trump-Captain Queeg comparisons that Dalton parents described Donald Barr also as “Captain Queeg.” Having no idea who Queeg is (& exposing my ignorance of film history), I had to google the name. 2/
I read the SparkNotes character description, some headlines calling Trump “Captain Queeg” and some encyclopedia entries about the film, “The Caine Mutiny.” 3/
I didn’t get much out of it other than Queeg being a sort of obsessive, rigid, detail-oriented tyrant-like, nazi-ey, putatively insane character type. I think really that I need to see the movie to say more so TBC. 4/
Nevermind. Better to pontificate now & watch later. Assuming Queeg displayed a stereotypical Nazi-like, obsessive-compulsive personality pattern, it’s noteworthy that Donald Barr - b4 being called Queeg by Dalton parents - reportedly worked for the OSS in de-nazification which 5/
reportedly involved a lot of getting to know Nazis & reported minimization/rose-colored attitudes toward German POWs (aka Nazis). One possibility is that Donald Barr identified w/these Nazi POWs, converted from Judaism to Catholicism, & ran a private school like Hitler. 6/
While it may seem obvious or fortune-teller-ey to say that something like what @GeorgeLakoff has described as “strict father morality” explains the Donald Trump allure to someone like Bill Barr but JFC thinking about it like Trump is Bill Barr’s transference father who needs 7/
avenging is really getting impossible to argue against as an explanation for Bill Barr’s uncanny creepiness. 8/8
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