To all the white leftists who made it to Iowa and/or New Hampshire to knock doors for Bernie and not Nevada and/or South Carolina I just wanna say get your head on fucking straight

care about black & brown voters more. get out of your comfort zone.
I’m sick of all/mostly white leftist spaces in DSA. shut the fuck up about solidarity if you don’t feel comfortable around poor/working class black or brown folks listening to their issues.
I got sick for the second time in 2-3 weeks because I spent 8 days straight knocking dirty rusting trailer doors walking up decrepit rotting steps in rural central South Carolina. Almost every single person behind those doors was black and/or poor.
don’t forget them. this goes for any white people and even well off black & brown people too

don’t forget those poor systemically undereducated folks in Orangeburg, Bamberg, Allendale counties
they may be ill-informed enough from our POV to vote Biden or Steyer but you should still be informed AND moral enough to come help them, persuade them the best you can, and mature enough to respect their choice when they disagree
I met a man with gangrenous feet due to diabetic neuropathy. He invited me into his trailer while his family/HHAs disinfected his foot with an alcohol wipe.

I met folks who barely knew how to read/write. met old black men who were sharecroppers in the 20th fucking century.
Black liberation and abolitionism touches some of the deepest parts of heart and I take it so fucking personal when Bernie never visits Orangeburg or doesn’t really try in this state like he should. It makes me so mad.
I cried after a door today making eye contact with this single mom, talking to her about diabetes & poverty in South Carolina

Bernie didn’t make diabetes justice or cannabis justice centerpieces of his campaign here. huge oversight.
this campaign tries god knows and i love it I do but it doesn’t always know how to hit at the material issues of certain communities. there’s plenty of amazing black leadership in the Bernie campaign. it should get used to its max extent. it wasn’t, I don’t think.
I want so bad for there to be a socialist Lumumba/Sankara type from a southern state. even a commie Huey Long/Cassius Clay type from a Southern state. Radicals from the south have to rise up from the south to appeal here.
Steyer talks less ambiguously about cash payment reparations because he can fund the down payment out of his pocket but that doesn’t mean he’s worth your damn vote. Never trust a billionaire.
that @RevJJackson didn’t return the favor from ‘88 here really hurt my heart tbh. What happened to the rainbow coalition Jesse??
whatever. I never liked any non-losing non-quixotic battles anyway.
It just fucks me up that I got sick TWICE in like 3 weeks for this campaign and Bernie didn’t even go to Orangeburg or even really try to win SC
White lefty radicals reading this please consider giving money to @DDFightPac to help them elect Bernie. join @Dreamdefenders as a member especially if you live in Florida.

consider looking into a @byp100 chapter in a major city you live in. or a @ColorOfChange chapter.
Lol i forgot about this
[extremely Bernie voice] Josie is right
I know whoever screengrabbed these is looking to smear our movement with it. imo most Bernie supporters don’t feel this way. I think they wanna fight for every vote(r) & person. but that ANY Bernie supporter feels this way makes me furious & I disown them
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