On the other hand, it’s not like our vaunted mainstream media has figured out, even after nearly a decade, how to beat the “flooding the zone with shit” strategy.

Wishful thinking won’t make the effectiveness of this go away. https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/policy-and-politics/2020/1/16/20991816/impeachment-trial-trump-bannon-misinformation?__twitter_impression=true
Many of them are trust funders, too, which ***REALLY PISSES ME OFF*** when they go after working folks.
Menaker's parents were editors at the New York Times and the New Yorker, for crying out loud.

Sure, we need class traitors, but boy oh boy does the whole "FUCK YOUR FEELINGS, NEOLIBERAL SHILL" schtick get old from a bunch of elite New Yorkers.
Honestly, part of this probably comes from getting blasted for being Mr. Fancy-Ass Ivy League Princeton PhD from time to time by Chapo listeners.
Which is fair, I guess, but I'm from a not-particularly-noteworthy middle-class family from St. Paul, Minnesota.

I didn't come from money. No one in my family has prominent connections. I'm struggling to find a job.
This message speaks to me.

The messengers do not.
Yeah, I hear that, and this is true of a lot of lefty media people, most of whom I really like, as journalists and human beings.

The issue I have is glass houses. If you're on the left and come from money, great. But maybe have a little humility about it. https://twitter.com/ehnottooxabi/status/1233808803239530496
I mean...
Anyway, like I said in the OP, I really, *really* don't like the dirtbag left.

*BUT* I also want to acknowledge that the reason they exist and have gotten traction in the first place is because of MASSIVE and ongoing failures in mainstream media.
Like, Menaker might be a product of the elite media class.

But credit where credit is due: He and his co-hosts have offered a solution to media failures beyond doubling down on easily-weaponized "objectivity."
And particularly given that you can apparently get suspended and taken off the politics beat at a major media company for having the temerity to express mild left-wing political opinions when off the clock... yeah, the Chapo folks are actually on to something.
Tl;dr: The dirtbag left are a bunch of assholes -- and that's *not* cool -- but they're also actually adapting to the demands and challenges of the moment, which is more than you can say about most legacy media.
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