I've been watching a lot of films directed by black women for Black History Month and one thing that still surprises me even though it probably shouldn't is how segregated cinema still is.
The same way that successful actors can spend their whole careers without ever being directed by a woman, many successful white actors, even ones who say they advocate for women, will spend their whole careers without ever working for a black women (or any director of colour).
It's not that there aren't roles for them in these movies, it's an unwillingness to play a supporting role in works that aren't about THEM.
And it's not just actors. This happens on every level. It is legitimately harder for me to see movies directed by woc. They will play in the suburbs where I have to take 2 buses to see them. They will play in the smallest sized theatre. And that's if they are shown at all.
I have talked to people who don't watch films with majority black casts because it's not made for them. It's an ingrained bias that a lot of people don't think to question. White casts=universal, black casts=only for black people. Same with every other minority.
I wish more people would watch media that's not made explicitly for them. It's good for the soul.
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