Hey @KrutikaKuppalli - let’s drop some truth on why people don’t need to wear surgical masks unless they’re sick….
First, these supplies are in short supply and the folks that need them are first responders/healthcare workers. Second..truly, you don’t need them unless *you’re* sick and that’s to protect those around you from your germs.
Too often, I see people wearing a mask w/out reason & having a false sense of security, meaning they’re touching their eyes, not washing their hands, touching the front of the mask, & not doing environmental disinfection. Those are what make the difference..not an unecessary mask
Every mask you use when it’s not needed is one less mask that can be used for some one who truly needs it. A few who need masks: people w/respiratory infections (to protect those around them) & immunocompromised protecting themselves from resp infections that could be deadly.
Stressing mask supplies = stressing healthcare workers and those caring for patients. It’s already flu season and other respiratory pathogens don’t go away just bc the #COVID19 outbreak, so these are critical resources. It’s important we’re good stewards of PPE.
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