The Corona Virus epidemic highlights major problems in the political climate:

1) Similar to Climate Change, the politicization & subsequent denial of a scientific (medical) issue threatens millions/billions
2) The effect of “Trickle Down Pathology”:

“Pathology deniers” w/no mental health experience often say “so what if Trump’s a narcissist, why does it matter?”. This is an implicit acknowledgment that as long as they’re getting a tax cut, they don’t care about the consequences of Trump’s disorders. 2/
Well, the Corona Virus exposes why Trump’s pathologies matter. First, as seen through the lens of Trump’s first pentagon briefing w/General Mattis, his hyper-fragile ego and immense feelings of inadequacy relegate him to a permanent state of ignorance. 3/
Trump’s ignorance was on display in his rambling/incoherent speech about the virus.

Trump’s narcissism/sociopathy also make him incapable experiencing empathy for humanity, especially if it conflicts w/his pathological self-preservation/interests. 4/
This is evident by Trump’s obsession w/the stock market, b/c he knows that if the economy crashes, so does his re-election....which exposes him to indictments. So, he’s willing to downplay the virus and let people die, if the lies stabilize the market. 5/
This is one of many reasons why so many mental health professionals have warned that Trump is unfit for the office of President of the United States. 6/
In addition to Trump’s pathology preventing him from mitigating his ignorance, his pathology literally forces him, when confronted with an inconvenient/threatening truth/reality, to create an "alternate reality"..... 7/
I analyzed the “fire hose” lies disinformation campaign......and the Right Wing “media authoritarians’” roles in that this thread…..11/
Circling back to the Corona Virus…by politicizing the issue, the country is at risk of tribalization infecting/poisoning half the country’s belief/understanding of the severity of the danger, as well as exacerbating their distrust in science/medicine…13/
….simply because the data pierces Trump’s delusional world view....which has “trickled down” to and been rebroadcast by Right wing media authoritarians.....whose career and ideological self-preservation has reached sociopathic levels…14/
Essentially, the corona virus issue is tracking the same political path/arc that the Climate Change has taken over the years:

1)A problem emerges that threatens Republican interests (big oil/big business)..

2)The political Right, through their never-ending projection, politicizes the issue by claiming the Left manufactured the issue for political purposes.....

3)….which manipulates the Right Wing constituents into believing the science/data that demonstrates the source of problem/issue is not credible, is inconclusive, and/or that scientists are corrupt because they receive government (deep state) funding.....

A similar strategy was employed w/tobacco, but the difference b/t tobacco & climate change is that the effects were more concrete & in some cases more immediate/advanced (in contrast to abstract/distant), & they were personally experienced…..which affected public perception. 18/
The Corona virus is more similar to tobacco than climate change in that it personally affects people in a very concrete manner. The problem is that it will do so immediately, without the possibility of decades of time to react to the health hazards. 19/
With a mortality rate that is 10-20 higher than the flu, and a potential infection rate of 40-70% of the population (per @DavidPriess on @SykesCharlie podcast)…..20/
…..Similar to tobacco, how many people will the Right Wing echo chamber allow to die in order to sycophantically maintain a pathologically disordered president’s delusional, alternate reality…..?

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