Our next #ProjectDreamWeaver focus is going to be a bit tougher & more advanced than most. This time, we are going to co-create directly with the Galactic, Solar & Planetary "Logos" to create a special field of energy that maps out interdimensional contact from a...
...12th dimensional viewpoint. Each Logos is nested one within the other as Galactic>Solar>Planetary>Being in a fractal manner to facilitate the translation of energies as directed by consciousness & thought form. The Logos creates a field of living light...
...upon which consciousness is able to express itself in various ways for the purpose of "experience" in this time/space illusion. The Logos is generated from the core of our Galaxy, Star, Planet & Heart as a quantum field of "potential." Within this field, we are also able to...
...connect interdimensionally to other beings to share information/energy. For the purpose of this task, we will call these beings, IDEs or InterDimensional Entities. Some IDEs are "good" from the perspective of our awareness & being while others are very, very “bad” parasites.
Parasitic IDEs create their own energetic feeding tube inside the quantum tunnel that humanity creates with our thoughts & intentions naturally.

This is called a "hook" & the parasites normally "hook" a human host by manipulating their lower energy centers which connect...
...to our physiology through energetic meridians in the body. Keep in mind, we cannot stop others from forming these connections nor should we demonize them to the point of blind, willful ignorance. Instead, we should begin co-creating with the Logos to create a wall of light...
...to act as a purification filter for ALL IDE connections entering or leaving our Logos. This wall of 12th dimensional light will manifest instantly at the event horizon of the IDE connection to our Logos with the goal of preventing the formation of hooks & the subconscious...
...entrainment/enslavement of the host that typically follows. Humanity deserves to interact with IDEs that are benevolent, co-creative & respectful of our gift of free will.

The wall of light will act as a frequency filter for consciousness on BOTH sides of the tunnel to...
...self correct before free will in our Logos is violated. If the Logos were our "Galactic Operating System," we are about to co-creatively build a 12th dimensional encryption layer where these lower frequency IDEs simply cannot follow.

This is what I was shown in meditation...
After centering, grounding & balancing your physical, emotional, mental & spiritual bodies of awareness in meditation, create a 12th dimensional sacred space to begin co-creating directly with your Logos/Highest Self/IS.
Follow the instructions on this meme to create a 12th dimensional sacred space from which we will co-creatively construct a holographic blueprint for this wall of light to manifest within our collective Logos.

Intentions & focus are paramount so be patient.
Once you are centered & balanced, create a thought form to support the wall of light including ALL interdimensional connections known & unknown to our collective awareness. The wall of light becomes a mirror of unified 12th dimensional consciousness that functions...
...as an impassable higher dimensional frequency fence for those IDEs who desire to force their will upon others or feed upon our life force energy. Visualize the wall of light being generated naturally & instantly at the moment of connection between dimensions for all parties.
If the consciousness of all parties is not fully aware & unified with the intentions & will of all sides/parties, then the wall of light reflects any projections from any side/party to their source. This will also create a unique echo or disturbance within the quantum field...
...within our dimension, this “IDE Echo” will be detectable by advanced consciousness & by technological means.

This will allow the detection & (future) prevention of rituals, sacrifices & the parasitical feeding upon life force energy as the status quo within our dimension.
Now, it all stops at the wall of light between dimensions!

Visualize this in great detail & wrap the emotions of love, gratitude, compassion, forgiveness & unity around the thought form as if it has already happened.

We see, we feel, we become!
Now that we have co-creatively formed a “holographic blueprint” of thought & emotion, we need to amplify its potential by sending a packet of “light” containing the wall of light blueprint to the Logos for co-creative revision & immediate manifestation.
We will accomplish this by visualizing our holographic blueprint as a dense ball of golden/white light coming out of your heart & travelling directly to the core of the Earth, then to the core of the Sun, then to the core of the Galaxy itself.
See the ball of light being absorbed by the Logos or Divine Intelligence at each location. As it is absorbed, the ball of light is unpacked, decompressed & analyzed in every detail. As this occurs, the connection between all beings within the collective Logos is strengthened...
...& a powerful surge of 12th dimensional energy begins to emanate from the core (heart) of each body of awareness within the Logos to manifest this unified field of consciousness. Allow this energy to permeate every facet of your being & anchor it fully into your awareness.
Dream Weavers, thank you for your service to humanity & Creation! Please complete this meditation in totality at least 3, 6 or 9 times over the next few weeks. Be genuine & sincere in your efforts as you are connecting with multiple fields of consciousness.
If you are too overwhelmed by this, you may also elect to send the blueprint to the Earth first, then to the Sun & finally to the Galactic core in three different meditation sessions. Let us weave the dream of heaven on Earth for all beings to experience co-creatively!
This is perhaps the most complex #ProjectDreamWeaver post yet, as such, it will not be for the weak or faint of heart. Shield yourself daily with love & light (Armor Of God) & have no fear!


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