1-Put the head of the CDC, or a spokesperson for the CDC if the Director is a lousy speaker, at a podium on a scheduled basis (no longer than 72 hours in between) for max 20 min to provide updates and to answer questions. Needs to be same person each time. #CoronavirusOutbreak
2-Presser 1 is a clear, concise presentation (10 min) of the lines of operation (max 3, ex: contain, test, treat) that the Fed govt is acting on w simple supporting actions in support of each line of operation. Include global and US data on current state.
3-Presser 2 starts with refresh of that strategy and progress in each line as well as new developments and an update of the data. Then answer questions. Rinse and repeat until either the issue is over, as shown by the data. #CoronavirusOutbreak
4-Establish a social media account (twitter, FB etc...other) dedicated to the outbreak response. Share media of the updates and reminders of what people should be doing to do their part. #CoronavirusOutbreak
5-Get the POTUS or VPOTUS away from the podium. Not a political jab...but clean, concise comms not either of their strengths. And half of America hates them. So get them OUT of the picture, but mention that they're briefed daily by the team represented... #CoronavirusOutbreak
6-Align communications plans with state and local governments....have state and local governments simply pass through the Fed messaging to their local public when applicable. #CoronavirusOutbreak
7-Don't lie. Don't bullshit. Don't worry about anything related to the outbreak containment other than establishing a plan of action and communicating progress to the public. #CoronavirusOutbreak
8-Don't stop until the situation is under control. Define what under control is up front. Don't lie. Don't bullshit. #CoronavirusOutbreak
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