
I want to discuss something that I don't think is covered enough. I've eluded to it on a previous tweet but I hope having a discussion about this will cause you to think differently about the way you trade, take profit and view your own profit and loss.
I spoke previously about not being a "baller" in this space. I'm just someone who makes enough to do this for a living and support his family.

My "figure" is $500 average per day, sometimes more, sometimes less, sometimes $0. But that's my benchmark based on approach and system.
Even seeing that $500 you may think "that's a lot!" or "that's nothing!" - it doesn't matter, it's about me. It's what I look to achieve and it's what I'm incredibly grateful and happy with if I achieve it. It allows me to grow my account and live the life I want to.
Sometimes you make assumptions that large Twitter accounts are throwing hundreds of thousands of dollars at trades (and sometimes they are) - but this can begin to change your mindset around what it means to trade, what you need to earn, and why your profit is insignificant.
Let's start by grounding you.

If I offered you $100 for pressing two buttons. Would you take it?

Of course you would.

What about $50?

When you look at trading in this simplified way, that's essentially what's happening.
Of course more goes on in the background than that including time to review the charts, plan your entries, execute etc.

The majority of you probably trade, view charts and plan in your free time, it's a hobby. Are those totals still worthless?
So here's the issue. When you see accounts sharing profit of $10,000s you can begin to feel as though your own trading efforts are pitiful in comparison. OR that you should be risking more, holding trades longer, or generally getting greedy.

Your trade setups, approaches and targets can be greatly affected by your total profit. If it's not considered "high" enough you can easily convince yourself to stay in position longer, past normal take profit points. Completely failing to appreciate the success you've had.
Profit that is significant to you, your circumstances, your capital should always be appreciated. It's not for anyone else to judge what is a good sum of money for you.

Some of you may consider that to be $20, $50, $100, $1000, whatever the total is, all that matters is you.
Do not make assumptions about large accounts. Do not assume everyone here is making bank (the majority are consistent losing traders).

Do not ever think your own PnL is insignificant. Remember my example of pressing two buttons on a PC, what's that worth to you?
Trade based on your own circumstances, not what you think you should be returning, not based on what you think others would view as a good total.

If anyone shames you for sharing returns that aren't considered large enough, they are complete fucking idiots.
You don't need to trade 100k Mex contracts, you don't need to beat yourself up about not profiting $1000s. You need to keep grinding, keep working hard, keep growing your account.

Having the wrong mindset will crush your account, and any future dreams you have.
The saying "look after the pennies and the pounds will come" is true. Focus on your account, growth, and the larger totals (if that's what you want) will come.

Don't let your mindset get altered with inflated expectations of what others earn and therefore what you should.
Accept where you are. Accept that you can't chuck away thousands in trades. Protect your capital. Grow your account. Celebrate your returns. Congratulate yourself on taking money from an incredibly competitive market.

All profit is a success, regardless of size.
I'm not ripping on Jacob because frankly I don't give a shit for drama. I'm adding it because it's a perfect example of how Twitter impacts your mindset around profit and what it means to display PnL. Be proud for yourself, not others.
You can follow @ColdBloodShill.
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