Today marks #PokemonDay, the 24th anniversary of the beloved game. I wanted to use today to speak out and say that I have become increasingly worried about the potential unsustainability of Pokémon GO’s “gotta catch ‘em all“ approach to Pokémon acquisition. @PokemonGoApp 1/
Already we are beginning to see the results of our continuing to treat Pokémon as an infinite resource. The oceans are depleted of Magikarp. Pikachu are increasingly rare and only available to the wealthy. 2/
Dratini are no longer born in the wild, requiring specialized Dragonite breeding programs in zoos. And ecosystem imbalance has allowed Pidgey and Ratata to proliferate unchecked, decimating the Weedle and Caterpie population. 3/
As a culture we must move towards a “Gotta catch some of them“ ethos so that future generations will be able to enjoy Pokémon as well. The whole world is watching. 4/4
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