I think more ppl in tech should start product feedback threads. Helpful suggestions for the PMs of the products you love and a time stamped way to refer back to insights/suggestions you have as a user over time.

I’ll start with Twitter (iOS):
(1) tweet reply compose view: ever since 280 support went live, iOS replies truncate the text of the tweet you’re replying to to ~180 chars. Annoying when you can’t see the full text you’re replying to. 🙏 expand view to support full 280c plz
(2) tweet compose iOS: when composing a tweet, if cursor is on an @ handle and you hit cancel (send to drafts) keyboard pops up over options; ex @twitter
(3) @ tagging: frequently have to use google to find who I’m looking for. Suggestions:
-cache/index real name of account (many change to goofy names)
-use handle
-not use string literal
-anticipate misspellings
-incorp recent searches
-assoc accts freq tagged in same tweet
(4) muting: you can mute words for a specified duration but not accounts. I think muting accounts for a day or a week would be great. Sometimes ppl go through a burst of activity or fixate on a topic you don’t care about. Perma muting is sometimes too harsh
(5) polls: would be great to attach images or maybe even cards/articles to polls
(6) @ tagging: edge case where @ tag list appears but is not needed. Moving cursor should remove @ tag view. Currently you have to type somewhere else to minimize @ tag view
(7) attach photo: would be great if users could optionally click into a power user feature for control on how a photo is previewed. eg anchor top left, top right, bottom right, bottom left, scale to height, scale to width, etc. (I understand variable viewports complicate it)
(8) edit: please never add this but maybe address the root concern. gmail undo opt in would be nice. re-sizing preview rearranges text and helps to catch errors.

-Maybe user turns preview on
-Hits preview in compose (prev “tweet”)
-See tweet rendered at top of feed with a timer
(9) copying contents of tweet: this may be too much of an edge case/power user request but related to editing (aka send tweet, delete tweet, re-draft and re-send)...

URLs get truncated and don’t copy over. Would be great if there was a low friction way they could.
(9) ... or maybe just an opt to re-send tweet from tray menu. Deletes existing tweet, opens compose, and populates it w/ deleted content. Maintains other relationships like if it’s a reply to a specific tweet. I’m guessing it would still break your own thread if in the middle? 🤷‍♂️
(10) compose (bug): I’ve seen this for a few months. Sometimes when you are drafting around 280 char max, it gets confused and won’t let you tweet a valid length tweet (have to delete last char and re-type).
(11) onboarding: need a way to get really granular account follows (not high level cookie cutter recs from the same static acct lists all new users see)

maybe podcast app (follow ppl from liked eps/shows) or Tinder for interests (users right swipe many layers deep) cc @joshelman
(12) twitter to make a podcast app: and eventually other standalone apps. introduce best personalized discovery on the internet. give ppl who don’t currently care ab composing/reading tweets a reason to come in a side door and build out an interest graph https://link.medium.com/hdXiC90Hq4 
(13) threads: I like the new threading UI update, but still find it’s hard to manage both creating/sharing a thread and also managing replies (which can create the best fork of a thread). I’d like an easier way to select the tweets for a thread a share it; maybe similar to moment
(13) threads: counter intuitively the best way to see a full thread is to share the last tweet in its chain, not the 1st, if there are forks, replies, etc. example:
-1st: https://twitter.com/alexcartaz/status/1234629515600486400?s=21
-last: https://twitter.com/alexcartaz/status/1234645353099456513?s=21

But our intuitions are to share the originating tweet https://twitter.com/AlexCartaz/status/1234645353099456513
(13) threads: the need is an easier way to identify and share a chained convo thread. one solution is to give the user 2 options when tweeting/QT a tweet that is a nested reply: share as an isolated tweet or share entire upstream convo as a thread, which would render differently
(14) drafts: why are drafts only available on mobile (or at least not on web)? are they only stored on a mobile device? why don't they sync across all devices?
(15) caching actions: commuting on BART you have to deal w/ intermittent LTE outages. i'm pretty sure Twitter iOS shows you on device state changes to confirm you've liked a tweet (for example) but frequently drops those likes if there's no connectivity.
(15) caching actions: if this is true, why doesn't twitter cache the actions on device and attempt to sync w/ backend when connection is restored. if it does actually do this, why do so many ppl think likes get dropped all the time. & it should be for many actions, not just likes
(16) threads: when you compose a new tweet on iOS you have the option to create a thread (useful) unless your originating tweet is a reply to someone else’s tweet. I suggest it also be available for replies bc sometimes you want to make several points in response to someone
(17) muting content/memes: it’s easy to get annoyed with repeated posting of specific content (article, video, image) or a meme format (emoji sheriff). It would be nice if there was a way to mute specific images or memes; seems easiest for images
(18) draft tweets iOS: there seems to be issues with responsiveness when you have a lot of drafts or when you save threads. When I saved 25 tweets, near max char length, with no media attached, my client froze for like 5-10s. It’s just text 🤷‍♂️ (280x25=7000 chars)
(19) threads: when auto publishing up to 24/25 threaded tweets at once, seems like maybe they should show up as a batched entity directing focus of readers to first tweet

Concerned they instead spam TL and profile scattering focus
(20) liked by view: on iOS when you access this view (seeing who liked a tweet) it doesn’t display follow relationships even though the expected user behavior is that it should. Gives me panic attacks often
(21) on device notifications: when you receive and click on an in-app iOS banner notification (in-app animation near bottom, above tab bar menu) it takes you to the tweet that caused the notif but the badge doesn’t decrement. Must click bell icon to clear badge
(22) periscope iOS: Joined a scope for someone I follow, who had a guest on, and no data was visible ab who the guest was (twitter handle, name, etc.) on main view. Seems like that info should be clear from main view (semi permanent) and 1-click to profile or for follow
(23) positioning picture previews revisited: seems like a ripe space to do automated a/b testing. run variants for default display on a specific image, see which variants get more engagement, converge in near real time. Run learnings through ML
(23) continued... variants being like display image via:
-adjust zoom to fit/bound width or height
-anchor to top or bottom or a specific corner
(24) mute conversation real time refresh iOS: if you...
-open app
-click a tweet in your TL
-click carrot
-mute convo associated with tweet
-go back to TL

It doesn’t remove that tweet and associated convo from current TL even if you refresh. Seems like it should
(25) search (@tag) iOS revisited: I don’t usually remember to record examples. The David Mitchell I’m trying to tag has 2.2M followers; he’s not even in twitter’s list. He’s the number one hit for me on google (granted I’ve searched for him before but also on twitter many times)
(25) search continued...

Does twitter cache/index real names? They should. So many ppl use emojis or joke names (eg rat king) + change often. If ppl don’t have their actual name as handle (most), this is needed. Ppl should also be able to flag if they want to be pseudonymous
(26) polls: this is extremely minor but equal numbers of votes should have equal percentages (rounded down). Fractions should be true north for displaying poll numbers
(27) periscope + audio/video cards: it would be nice to give users the option to scroll and listen to these. Right now the @davematthewsbnd virtual conference live stream on periscope is happening but I’d like to scroll while listening
(27) continued... it appears there is a way to get a floating video player for periscopes but I wasn’t able to when I first tried. Either limited to replays (non-live video) or flow is unintuitive and needs to be more accessible to user
(27) ... if it is limited to non-live, doesn’t seem like that should matter; should be available for all periscopes
(28) bug notifications iOS: I made a new twitter account ( @ChatterPodApp) for a 3rd party twitter app I plan to create. There’s a ghost notification badge that won’t go away. Super annoying, showing up in main account (dot on profile image) bc they are linked
(28) continued... clicking the one news for you item also didn’t make the badge go away
(28) ... turns out tagging myself increments the badge to “2” and then it was clearable

But this isn’t the only phantom iOS notification badge issue. For years I’ve seen random DM badges that won’t go away unless you receive a new badge event, allowing the phantom to be cleared
(28) ... I usually send myself a dummy or test DM to clear this. I’ve seen many other ppl tweet about this bug too. Not sure what the cause is or if it’s fixed, but based on this new acct experience I’m guessing it’s a more fundamental iOS bug spanning multiple views
(29) send tweet: I believe when you have TL set to chrono, you see your tweet posted in your TL as soon as you hit send, and if you have it set to dynamic, you don't see it in your TL

IMO tweets should always render in author's TL so they get a chance to proof read/catch errors
(30) tweet compose, pull down:

this hidden feature allows users to reply to their last tweet, which may be useful to some

I find it confusing when making (+) threads where you naturally scroll to top anyways go re-read and suddenly your thread is a reply
(30) ... not sure what the solution is here; would need to see usage data probably but at least for threads I think pull down should lower a clickable button to make thread a reply as to not confused user by default
(30) ... also once the reply tweet has loaded in the tweet compose stack initiated just from scrolling up, it’s unclear to a first time user who doesn’t want it there if just scrolling down makes it go away, which can cause a user to not tweet all together; a very confusing UX
(31) replies: when replying to a tweet you get to see that tweet in compose (still needs full 280 char support; truncation isn’t good)

However users can’t scroll up higher than the immediate tweet they are replying to. Seeing the full chain/thread is often needed/useful
(32) timeline: ppl who elect into dynamic can be thought of as users who don’t care ab chron. However, there are still times when these users run out of content; manually refreshing feed doesn’t input new items. Imo dynamic feed needs new insertions to address this edge case
(32) ... one confusing hiccup that can occur here is a user changing their feed to chron just to see more content and then forgetting to change it back to dynamic (which is what they actually want); but regardless the manual refresh event needs more insertion in dynamic TL imo
(32) ... and those insertions don’t have to just be tweets. They could be CTAs for topics, showing current or upcoming events + remind me later, or plenty of other fun new experiments
(33) suggestion, productize memes:

https://twitter.com/alexcartaz/status/1248022115552391168?s=21 https://twitter.com/AlexCartaz/status/1248022115552391168
(34) muted conversations: not sure they are functioning properly. I muted convo on a tweet many ppl were responding to but the replies still show up in my TL
(35) ad tracing: maybe this is already done but twitter should attempt to understand what effect ads have on user experience. Personally I strongly dislike brands in my feed (feel very out of place) and I will at times mute and block authors of promoted tweets
(35) ... this is rare behavior I’m sure but I’m surprised that it didn’t result in showing me less ads or something or at least more promoted tweets from ppl vs brands. Certainly if the advertisers knew they were paying to get muted/blocked they wouldn’t be happy.
(35) ... Then again if word got out that muting/blocking ads = fewer ads that would be extremely bad

I do wonder though what kind of aggregated insights can be gleaned from tracing ads and if in fact, there are other users who also block/mute promoted tweet authors
(35) ... also while just an edge case, it’s possible for users to use services like block together to block thousands of brands at a time. Not sure what response if any twitter should have for this ( @BrandBlocklist)
(36) bookmarks: many users including myself often wonder if things such as liked tweets get dropped. eg state change for like shows up on iOS but never gets set on backend. Along similar lines, I wonder if bookmarked tweets get dropped. One small change to add clarity to this...
(36) would be to use a similar practice for how deleted tweets are shown in TL also in bookmark view. That way if you bookmark something and it disappears bc its author deleted it, users will know and can easily visit the profile of the author if they want
(37) edit alternative:

I’m team never edit but in addition to the gmail undo proposed soln, I think an option from the caret menu to repost a tweet/thread = 💯. Clicking would delete and repopulate compose. Notif could be sent to any1 who liked or RT’d after repost is sent
You can follow @AlexCartaz.
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