Problems remote work has that need to be solved:
- Loneliness
- Pairing quickly on problems
- Whiteboard brainstorm sessions
- Team comrade
- Quick drive-by conversations (sometimes bad too)

There's so much opportunity for this next revolution. It's not just about presence.
If you've built anything impressive, I will help you get it funded & built personally.
I am most excited by remote tools that can build team comrade. Video games, board games, coffee chats, etc. that can make socially hanging out over video less awkward and create joy in work.
Consider for a moment that every large company is massively distributed with many office locations. The Enterprise market for remote work tools will be huge.

Zoom was just the beginning. 10 years from now we will think of it as a blunt but not narrowly enough focused product.
Zoom for code pairing
Zoom for quick design crits
Zoom for drive-by convos
Zoom for board games
Presence may make things worse: Microsoft Teams shows you in Outlook when someone is next available, their idle time, and if they're offline! It's so invasive that it's worse than the anxiousness one feels to be seen in the office. I know someone who bought a mouse jiggler app.
Technologically, a few things need to change about the world: low-latency (< 33ms) input <-> video interaction, continued progress in Internet bandwidth + congestion, monotonically decreasing compute, & high quality encoding algos.

All of which is true/possible right now.
The other thread I wrote on this:
You can follow @Suhail.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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