Who is Barry Soetoro
Part 3
The Traitor

At the beginning of his first term, Barry crippled the economy and furthered the interest of the banking elite by flooding the Executive branch with members of Bilderberg, Trilateral and CFR. Now, since Barry has the..
Backing off the financial district in place through his Presidential authority and the set up is in place, now Phase 2 begins.
The 16 year plan (in depth).
Obama's objectives;
1)Bring the USA under control of a offshore super bank known as "Bank of the world"
2)Develop a police state control grid, building FEMA camps across the country using NEC Act or HR-645, which merges local government and police under federal control. Also in conjunction with DOD Directive 1404.10 which would est a privatized army..
Under direct control of POTUS, Barry using presidential directive 51 (Signed by George Bush)would give authority to a legal privatized army.

3) Disarming the public, Barry introduced more than 10 bills to Congress that would demolish the 2nd amendment...
HR-1022 would allow Attorney general Eric holder (if passed) the power to ban any firearm at will. HR-257 would ban all youth shooting sports including YMCA and youth shooting clubs. HR-45 would force all gun owners to go through federal..
Psychological screening, registration and testing in order to keep firearms.

4) Massive restrictions on the first amendment. President, Congress and FCC developed plans to regulate speech on radio, newspapers and internet (censorship). Barry was pressing..
To pass Droconian hate speech laws to eliminate free speech.

5) To further federalize health care, to dictate who receives what treatment. Modeled after the British system it restricts those of the weak and elderly and to include forced vaccinations.
6) Expand the dept of Defense budget to issue more troops overseas to encircle Russia, China and Iran as well as setting up in Africa to dominate under the disguise of Africomm.

7) Radically expand federal control over family farming and ranches through ..
The animal ID system to further tax and regulate the farmlands.

8) Accelerate the merger between USA, Canada and Mexico. Under the "Security and Prosperity Partnership " accelerating the transfer of remaining federal authority to unelected to the Quasi ..
Government Body, like the world trade organization.

9) Barry must convince that the buck stops with him, being to blame for the economic ruin so that the next (DS) candidate will be embraced with open arms as a savior (HRC)

10) The POTUS (Barry) must..
Sell the public on globalist policies that aren't in the people's best interest. Barrys main priority is to protect the criminal oligarchs from prosecution, while they loot the worlds economy and start new wars to further their agenda.
Barry Soetoro, The crimes.
Fast and furious;
Was a Barry (Obama) program to put heavy weapons in the hands of Mexican drug cartels to help secure the drug trafficking into America controlled by the CIA, Att.Gen Eric holder helped in the "execution" of..
This plan and lied under oath (felony) to Congress. FBI along with CIA used tax payer dollars to arm Mexican cartels to traffick drugs into America resulting in thousands of deaths and counting.
At 9:40 pm "Set 11th" 2012 members of the "Ansar Al-Sharia" attacked the Bengazi compound resulting in the deaths of Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty. The attack was "Blamed" on an internet video, that is a lie.
An email from Hillary Clinton on 9/12/12 stated "We know the attack in lybia has nothing to do with the film". After ambassador Stevens requested aid, the orders were refused by SOS HRC, Barry enforced her decision also claiming that anyone..
Who questions the narrative is a "Wild conspiracy theorist" at the cost of 4 innocent Americans. 4 men died, they lied.

IRS targeting conservatives ;
Barrys administration collaborated with those in upper echelons of the IRS to develop plans to target..
Or go after tea party oppositions (conservatives) to target political rivals.

NSA mass surveillance;
During the Barry administration, they had illegally spied on thousands of Americans against constitutional laws, the "BO" admin finalized new rules to..
Allow NSA to share information/surveillance with the other 16 agencies that make up the intel committee. Also breaking several FISA violations, aka the "secret court" est 1978. Intel was used on political and opposition opponents such as Gen Flynn, Trump and
Carter Paige. Completely violating the 4th amendment (aka Obamagate/spygate).

Clinton email scandal;
How did Obama make sure Clinton was not indicted, Obama used a pseudonymous account to communicate with Clinton on her non secure account. Even though..
The sharing of classified information on a unsecured server was highly illegal, it held behind executive privilege. Barry claimed on 3/7/15 he knew about the server the same time as everyone else, that's a lie! In fact records show communication going..
Back to 2008. BO had all comms sealed by "presidential records privilege" to avoid the term "Executive privilege". April 2016 Comey had issued a statement exonerating HRC. HRC had highly classified sensitive material that if exposed could bring down..
The entire government. Such as a DNC staffer by the name of Seth rich noticed and decided to download such files to send to Wikileaks (JA). Yet through the help of MS13, Seth was taken out by the opposition, leaving no records, or so they thought (Bengazi)
Other crimes and lies;
1) Payments to Iranian hostages (which actually funded terrorism?
2) BOWE Bergdahl Swap
3) Secret service scandal
4) Promised to revoke Patriot act, instead endorsed it once in office.
5) Promised to bring troops home during campaign
Yet sent more over.
6) Promised to end war in the middle east, yet dropped more bombs than any POTUS in history.
7) The only POTUS to spend ENTIRE Presidency in war (both terms)
8) Most of all, was an insurgent against the sovereignty of the USA.
Barry soetoro literally set up the plan for the 16 year plan to enslave you, any commitment that wasn't going to be implemented by 44, was supposed to be executed by HRC in the 16 year plan to destroy America, we got really lucky by the grace of God
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