the prelaw bastard in my comp course tried to convince me that the church i grew up in wasn't oppressive? i mean, i was the one who lived it but ok
also "the raven" is one of the few poems i actually know and i used to have the whole thing memorized
how long he told me it was, in order:
-20k words
-4k words
-3.5 hours long

it's one thousand words, i put it in word to check word count and he still didn't believe me
also also i got into it with him a while ago where basically i was giving the descriptivist argument that the standard "rules" of language describe its use rather than prescribe it, and his Rock Solid argument against me was that i said something grammatically incorrect but like
1. i'm wrong about grammar not being all-important but i said something grammatically incorrect??
2. words don't come naturally to me and it was one of those times i couldn't remember what i said after i said it so possible ig
3. he could also be wrong, usually is
4. so fuck him
ANOTHER THING for one of my projects i'm writing a german comic strip and i was complaining within earshot about finding sources describing the german humor and he basically said to me to just make antisemitic jokes
moved to the other side of the room, so hopefully i don't have to deal with him as much, but also i was talking with my friend about the story of hades and persephone and she said the word rape and he, from the other side of the room, tried to insert himself into the conversation
just remembered this thread was a thing, for his argumentative essay, he's arguing against raising minimum wage which 😬
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