RANT: Non-binary isn’t real. Call me transphobic all you want, but non-binary isn’t trans anyway. It means nothing and there’s no such thing as a genderless brain. Gender and sex are binary and directly related whether you like it or not. Get over it and pick one or the other
Being trans means transitioning from mtf or ftm. You can’t transition into nothing. Gender isn’t a social construct nor a spectrum. Clothes and personality don’t equal gender. Science isn’t sexist nor transphobic, you’re just entitled and delusional
Despite how I feel, I will never intentionally be an asshole to people who feel comfortable identifying as non binary because of dysphoria. I think non binary and being trans are two different things and they should be seperate communities who shouldn’t be politicized.
The media needs to stop exploiting the trans community and having trenders and non binary speak for them while using the trans people for their own selfish gain. Stop ending businesses and ruining people’s lives because of “misgendering” even though you present as male or female
Why are non binary feelings more important than actual trans people who acted on their dysphoria and transitioned to live for who they are. Being trans is medically based and that’s a big part of what makes them valid. Science proves there’s no gender spectrum and only 2 genders
Idgaf anymore. People can say I’m transphobic, ignorant, or intolerant but I’m done with the toxic non binary community being entitled and spreading lies about everything when there’s scientific evidence against them. There are only two genders, non binary isn’t a real thing
It’s gotten way to far to the point of narcissists wanting attention and to be special because they know they didn’t have a personality to begin with. So they want to go around and play victim because they know they’re privileged and wanna find ways to be “oppressed”
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